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Collections of regulatory legal documents

Section I. Normative legal documents adopted by the CIS member states in the field of electric power.

Section II. Regulatory legal documents of the CIS Electric Power Council governing the activities of the CIS EPS and its working bodies.

Section III. Documents governing the functioning of a single information and metrological space in the field of electric power in the CIS member states.

Section IV. Documents in the field of international cooperation.

Section V. Normative legal documents of the CIS Electric Power Council, regulating the parallel operation of the energy systems of the CIS member states.

Section VI. The list of regulatory legal documents in the field of electric power, which has expired. Thematic Information Reviews and Reports.

Consolidated report on key issues of ecology, energy efficiency and renewable energy in the electric power industry of the CIS member states for 2017-2018.

A brief joint report by EURELECTRIC and the CIS Electric Energy Council on monitoring the “Roadmap on key environmental issues of the EU and CIS electricity market integration” (in the part of the CIS).

Analytical review “On the Participation of CIS Member States in the Paris Climate Agreement adopted under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change”.

Electricity of the Commonwealth of Independent States. Annual compilation.

Technical and economic performance indicators of the electric power industry of European countries and CIS member states. Newsletter.

Key performance indicators of power systems. Quarterly. Newsletter.

Tariffs for electricity and fuel prices in the CIS member states. Annual review.

Reviews of accidents and injuries in the energy systems of the CIS countries. Newsletter.

Typical technological disruptions based on the results of the WS in the CIS member states. Newsletter.

The economy of the electric power industry. Newsletter.

Power industry technologies. Newsletter.

Regulatory legal and technical documents of the CIS member states (thematic collections)

Regulatory, legal and technical documents in the field of energy supervision of the CIS member states.

Regulatory, legal and technical documents in the field of energy efficiency and renewable energy of the CIS member states.

Regulatory, legal and technical documents in the field of labor protection of the CIS member states.

Regulatory, legal and technical documents in the field of environmental protection of the CIS member states.

Regulatory, legal and technical documents and information materials in the field of emergency recovery work at the electric power facilities of the CIS member states.

Regulatory and technical documents of the CIS member states in the field of equipment reliability and labor protection.

Regulatory and technical documents of the CIS member states in the field of work with personnel.

Separate editions

Chronology of the development of the CIS electric power industry.

Collection prepared for the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War.