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In the economy of Uzbekistan for 2 years due to energy efficiency measures it is planned to save 3.3 billion kWh of electricity and 2.6 billion cubic meters of natural gas

14 июля 2020
Просмотров: 928

In the economy of Uzbekistan for 2 years it is planned to save 3.3 billion kWh of electricity and 2.6 billion cubic meters of natural gas due to energy efficiency measures.

Such parameters are provided for by the resolution of the President of the country RP-4779 adopted on July 10, 2020 “On additional measures to reduce the dependence of economic sectors on fuel and energy products by increasing the energy efficiency of the economy and utilizing available resources.”

Energy efficiency or, in other words, the rational use of energy resources in economic and social sectors is an important factor in increasing energy saving and the profitability and competitiveness of the manufacturing sector, which in turn has a serious impact on energy security, job creation, the growth of well-being of the population and in general development of the country.

From August 1, the document establishes a tariff for guaranteed purchase of electricity from newly commissioned solar, wind and biogas power plants, micro and small hydro power plants (HPPs), including surplus electricity produced for own needs.

It is fixed that the determination of investors for the construction and operation of industrial power plants based on renewable energy sources (RES), except for hydropower plants, is carried out only through tenders.

The document for the period from July 15 to December 31, 2020 establishes privileges for manufacturers who organized the third (night) shift in the form of applying payments reduction factor for the used electricity.

For enterprises with at least 50% of the state’s share, the possibility of reducing the mandatory requirement for prepayment (up to 30%) for natural gas and electricity will not be used.

The resolution approved the target parameters for saving fuel and energy resources in the sectors of the economy for 2020-2022, which envisage energy savings of 3.3 billion kWh, natural gas - 2.6 billion cubic meters, oil products - 16.3 thousand tons.

The document also approved the Roadmap for improving energy efficiency in large enterprises and the schedule for energy audits.

The resolution approved the structure and identified sources of financing for the previously created extrabudgetary Interbranch Energy Saving Fund, as a  part of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

It has been established that the resources of the Fund are used for: financing the preparation of feasibility studies for projects to improve energy efficiency, including improving thermal insulation of buildings and multi-family dwelling; the creation of thematic training centers; development of relevant startups and participation in the authorized capital of enterprises for the production of renewable energy units, heat pumps, capacitor banks and other products aimed at improving energy efficiency.

The resolution gave a number of instructions to the responsible structures, including the Ministry of Energy. In particular, it is prescribed within 2 months to ensure the attraction of leading companies (domestic and international) for energy audits at 285 large industrial enterprises, as well as to make a proposal to expand their list.

The document provides for the creation of the Unified Information System of the Ministry of Energy, the commissioning of which is scheduled for the end of 2021. Based on the analytical data obtained from the Unified Information System, a mechanism for mandatory energy audits of enterprises with high energy consumption will be introduced.


Press Service of the Ministry of Energy

Republic of Uzbekistan

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