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23 renewable energy facilities worth $ 370 million will be commissioned in Kazakhstan in 2021

03 февраля 2021
Views: 1601

23 renewable energy facilities with total capacity of 391 MW will be commissioned In Kazakhstan this year, Energy Minister Nurlan Nogayev said.

The volume of investment in these projects amounted to $ 370 million.

This year, Kazakhstan will continue to conduct renewable energy projects auctions, including mobile hydroelectric power plants, the head of the department added.

In 2021, the share of renewable energy sources in the total generation of electricity in the country should insrease from 3% to 3.3%.

“In general, in 2025, it is expected that the share of renewable energy sources in total electricity production will reach 6%,” concluded Nogayev.

As reported, in 2020, the volume of electricity produced by renewable energy sources amounted to 3.15 billion kWh, or 3% of the total production in Kazakhstan. Last year, 25 renewable energy projects with with total capacity of 583 MW were launched in the country: these are 10 WPPs  - 203.45 MW, 12 SPPs - 369.65 MW, one HPP - 4.5 MW and two BioPPs - 5.4 MW.

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