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3% of the total volume of energy produced in Kazakhstan is received from renewable energy sources

25 ноября 2020
Views: 788

3% of the total energy produced in Kazakhstan is received from renewable energy sources.

Until 2030, this figure should be 10%, by 2050 - 50%. Energy Minister Nurlan Nogayev announced it at a briefing in the Central Communications Service.

According to him, 110 generating facilities based on renewable energy sources with total capacity of over 1.5 thousand MW operate in the republic.

“The President said that in the medium term, economic growth should economic growth should take place in a green energy environment. Guided by these principles, the ministry carries out intensive work. By the end of the year, it is planned to commission 4 facilities with total capacity of 165 MW. If we talk in detail about the energy produced, we get 404 MW of wind energy, 891 MW of solar energy, 224 MW of hydro energy and 7.82 MW from bioenergy”, N. Nogayev dwelled on the details.

Currently, plans for the development of hydropower have been approved by the government. In the next four years 13 hydroelectric, 34 wind and 12 solar power plants projects will be implemented. Thus, by 2025, the ministry plans to increase the capacity of renewable energy sector up to 3 thousand MW. The potential is enormous.

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