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News by январь 2024


Страны содружества
The head of the Association of Women in Energy of Kyrgyzstan was awarded the EEC Certificate of Honor

President of the Association of Women in the Energy Industry of Kyrgyzstan Altynai Abdykerimova was awarded a Certificate of Honor from the Eurasian Economic Commission “For significant contribution and active assistance in the implementation and development of Eurasian integration, participation in the development of draft international treaties and acts constituting the law of the Eurasian Economic Union.”

Source: https://www.tazabek.kg/news:2054382      Views: 59

Международная деятельность
Global demand for electricity has increased by 90% since 2000

Global demand for electricity has increased by 90% since 2000, according to data from the Ember think tank. If in 2000 world electricity consumption was 15,108 TWh, then in 2022 - 28,661 TWh.

Source: https://globalenergyprize.org/ru/2024/01/19/mirovoj-spros-na-jelektrojenergiju-s-2000-goda-uvelichilsja-na-90/      Views: 59

Международная деятельность
Review of SO UPS JSC events that have a significant impact on the functioning and development of global energy systems based on materials from foreign media, official websites of network/system operators

SO UPS JSC has prepared a weekly review of events that have a significant impact on the functioning and development of global power systems (01/12/2024-01/18/2024), based on materials from foreign media and official websites of network/system operators.

Source: info@cigre.ru      Views: 42

Страны содружества
The construction of the Rogun HPP will provide sufficient electricity to eliminate winter shortages

The construction of the Rogun HPP will provide sufficient electricity to eliminate winter shortages.

Source: https://asiaplustj.info/ru/news/tajikistan/economic/20240118/stalo-izvestno-kogda-v-tadzhikistana-zabudut-o-limite-na-elektrichestvo      Views: 61

Страны содружества
When using renewable energy sources in the Republic of Uzbekistan, a “green energy” certificate is being introduced

When using renewable energy sources in the Republic of Uzbekistan, a “green energy” certificate is being introduced.

Source: https://uzdaily.uz/ru/post/82934      Views: 46

Страны содружества
The Russian Federation and Kazakhstan are strengthening cooperation in the field of digital transformation of the electric power industry

The Russian Federation and Kazakhstan are strengthening cooperation in the field of digital transformation of the electric power industry

Source: https://www.so-ups.ru/news/press-release/press-release-view/news/23965/      Views: 66

Страны содружества
Several projects for the construction of energy facilities in Kyrgyzstan have been given the status of projects of national importance

Several projects for the construction of energy facilities in Kyrgyzstan have been given the status of projects of national importance.

Source: https://e-cis.info/news/567/115152/      Views: 64

Страны содружества
Samruk-Energy JSC is implementing energy projects for 12 GW

Samruk-Energy JSC is implementing energy projects for 12 GW

Source: https://www.samruk-energy.kz/ru/press-center/company-news/ru/11-novosti/1516-samruk-energo-realizuet-proekty-v-energetike-na-12-gvt      Views: 131

Страны содружества
In 2023, the net profit of KEGOC JSC amounted to 42.7 billion tenge

KEGOC JSC summed up the results of its activities for 2023. The key results of the past year were the completion of a major investment project to strengthen the electrical networks of the Western Energy Hub, a secondary public offering (SPO), the emergence of a new service for using the NPG, as well as the start of implementation of a project to strengthen the Southern Zone of the UPS of Kazakhstan.

Source: https://www.kegoc.kz/ru/press-center/press-releases/162762/      Views: 53

Страны содружества
The Russian Federation has approved recommendations for the development of standards for the information model of the electric power industry

The Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology (Rosstandart), by order No. 1677-st dated December 27, 2023, approved recommendations for standardization “Information model of the electric power industry. Recommendations for the development and use of information model profiles and information exchange profiles and the construction of class diagrams.”

Source: https://www.so-ups.ru/news/press-release/press-release-view/news/23952/      Views: 50
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