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News by апрель 2021


Страны содружества
The Ministry of Energy of Russia has examined the results of the 2020-2021 heating season by the entities of the electric power industry as well as housing and public utility sector

The Ministry of Energy of Russia has examined the results of the 2020-2021 heating season by the entities of the electric power industry as well as housing and public utility sector.

Source: https://minenergo.gov.ru/      Views: 876

Страны содружества
Electricity export in Turkmenistan increased by 2.1 times

For the first quarter of 2021, Turkmenistan increased its electricity exports by 2.1 times compared to the same period last year.

Source: https://business.com.tm/      Views: 1163

Страны содружества
Electricity production in Azerbaijan for January-March 2021 amounted to 6,924.9 million kWh

For January-March of this year, electricity production in Azerbaijan amounted to 6,924.9 million kWh.

Source: https://az.sputniknews.ru/      Views: 1097

Страны содружества
Tajikistan increased exports of electricity by 43%

In the first quarter of this year, Tajikistan increased the volume of electricity supplies to neighboring countries by almost 43% compared to the same period in 2020.

Source: https://e-cis.info/      Views: 899

Международная деятельность
The meeting of the Commission on Economic Issues was held at the CIS Executive Committee

On April 14, 2021, a regular meeting of the Commission on Economic Issues (CEI) Plan of Priority Measures for the Implementation of the Cooperation Concept of the CIS Member States in the Use of Renewable Energy Sources, approved by the Decision of the Council of CIS Heads of Governments of November 20, 2013, shows that the CIS member states are working to increase the share of alternative energy in national energy balances . In the period 2010–2020, in the CIS member states, there has been a positive trend in the installed capacity of renewable energy sources (RES), including hydroelectric power plants, onshore wind and solar energy facilities.

Source: https://e-cis.info/      Views: 838

Страны содружества
The Russian government is preparing a new energy strategy

The government of the Russian Federation is working on a strategy called "New Energy" aimed at solving the problems of the climate agenda and reducing CO2 emissions by the Russian fuel and energy complex (FEC), Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Alexander Novak said at the final meeting of the Board of the Ministry of Energy, noting the need for an integrated approach in the development of this strategy.

Source: https://1prime.ru/      Views: 903

Страны содружества
Uzbekistan will develop hydrogen energy

A resolution of the President of April 9, 2021 "On measures for the development of renewable and hydrogen energy in the Republic of Uzbekistan" was adopted.

Source: uza.uz      Views: 1099

Страны содружества
Carbon Regulation Challenges (Energy Bulletin March 2021)

The Analytical Center for the Government of the Russian Federation has published the Energy Bulletin (March 2021) "Challenges of Energy Regulation".

Source: https://e-cis.info/      Views: 807

Международная деятельность
Countries in the eastern UNECE region can play a leading role in CO2 storage, according to new study

Countries of Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia host significant potential for CO2 storage. Using publicly available data, the analysis by geological experts identifies for the first time storage potential in oil reservoirs in excess of 62,000 million tonnes (Mt) of CO2 (in the eastern part of the UNECE region with 56,410 MtCO2 in Russia alone, according to a United Nations study published today.

Source: https://unece.org/ru/circular-economy/press/soglasno-novomu-issledovaniyu-eek-oon-strany-vostochnogo-regiona-eek-oon      Views: 810

Страны содружества
Power generation in the Russian Federation in Q1 2021 increased by 4.9% with an increase in power consumption by 3.9% - SO UPS. Power export increased 2.4 times - CDU FEC

Power consumption in the first three months of 2021 in Russia as a whole amounted to 301.5 billion kWh, which is 3.9% more than in the same period in 2020 (excluding consumption on February 29 of a leap year 2020 - higher by 5, 0%). In the UES of Russia, the indicator increased by the same 3.9%, reaching 296.9 billion kWh (excluding consumption on February 29 of a leap year 2020 - higher by 5.1%), according to the message of the UES System Operator (SO UPS ).

Source: http://www.bigpowernews.ru/      Views: 799
