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A brief overview of the VIII International Scientific and Technical Conference "Development and Improvement of the Reliability of Distribution Electric Grids" and a detailed photo report

17 июля 2023
Views: 132

  On July 5–6, the VIII International Scientific and Technical Conference “Development and Improvement of the Reliability of Distribution Electric Grids was held, organized by Rosseti and the magazine “ELECTRIC ENERGY. Transmission and Distribution” with the support of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation. During the two days of the event, the participants (more than 1,200 technical managers and experts in the electric power industry) discussed over 90 reports in six thematic sessions presented by specialists from relevant departments, distribution grid companies, large consumers of electricity, as well as scientists and industry experts. The technical exhibition "EEPiR", accompanying the conference, has become an integral part of the discussion, a meeting place and acquaintance of representatives of power grid companies, resource extracting enterprises with manufacturers of innovative technical solutions.

In the dynamically developing segment of the electric power industry today, a lot of questions are concentrated, caused by tasks dictated both by consumers and regulators, and due to changes in the external environment that has an impact on the economy of the main processes.

The central topics of the business program were discussions on the principles of forming programs for the long-term development of distribution electric networks, rational planning and use of investment resources, rethinking approaches to ensuring reliable power supply to consumers, including in separate territories using autonomous power supply sources. The conference participants also discussed the use of modern digital solutions and ensuring the cybersecurity of energy facilities.

The development of the distribution power grid complex should lead to qualitative changes that positively affect all aspects of its functioning. The speakers demonstrated their experience and new technical solutions for optimizing the development of distribution electric networks, implementing projects to create their digital models with integration into all the main business processes of the company. The participants of the event discussed in detail the benefits of introducing energy storage systems in distribution networks, the construction of highly automated 6–35 kV modular substations, the use of power transformers with amorphous steel cores and energy-efficient cooling systems, equipment and technologies that provide load balancing, and other technical solutions.

During the discussion of the organizing principles of electric grid companies repair activities planning, the conference participants noted the need to continue work on the introduction of production assets risk-based management system. For development in this direction, it is proposed to expand the geography and scope of unmanned aerial vehicles and robotic systems, devices for monitoring and diagnosing the technical condition of electrical network equipment, including temperature indicators, modules for remote diagnostics of overhead lines parameters to control and prevent the formation of ice-frost deposits.

Positive trends were noted in terms of the development of digital relay protection systems in the distribution grid complex. At the same time, the participants drew attention to the expediency of developing national standards in the field of electromagnetic effects and electromagnetic security, information security, taking into account world experience.

This year, much attention at the conference was paid to the issues of labor protection of employees of the distribution power grid complex. This aspect is an integral part of ensuring the reliable, high-quality and safe functioning of the infrastructure. Along with the use of modern equipment and safe technologies, it is important to create optimal working conditions, conduct timely training of personnel, and improve the production safety culture.

Traditionally, following the results of the conference "Development and improvement of the reliability of distribution electric networks", industry experts formulated proposals for amending the documents regulating the activities of the electric grid complex. This year, the participants focused on improving the efficiency of distribution networks.

As part of this work, according to power engineers, it is necessary to introduce modern equipment and advanced solutions based on domestic developments or products with a high degree of localization during the construction and modernization of facilities.

Within the framework of the conference, a series of agreements was signed between power grid companies and Russian power equipment manufacturers and educational institutions. In particular, Rosseti signed nine agreements on the unification of the procedure and scope of work for the maintenance of relay protection and automation devices and process control systems, as well as on the development of cooperation. United Energy Company has agreed to cooperate with the largest professional colleges in Moscow, NRU MGSU and Karabelli S.r.l. — on cooperation in the development of normative and technical documentation for work at height.

In the final part of the conference, the moderators of the thematic sessions summarized the results of work in each of the areas, placed emphasis on the most interesting proposals received during the discussion of the reports, and drew the attention of the audience to the tasks and issues that require further elaboration.

Report presentations will be available to conference participants on the official website of the event from July 14, 2023. Video recordings of reports - from August 14.

Proposals for the final results of the conference are accepted by the editors of the journal ELECTRIC ENERGY. Transmission and distribution” until July 21, 2023. The final document, summarizing the results of all sessions, will be posted on the conference website within a month.

The next one - the IX International Scientific and Technical Conference "Development and Improvement of the Reliability of Distribution Electric Grids" - will be held in the summer of 2024. Applications for participation and proposals for the thematic direction of the event are being accepted now.

Photo materials by headings:

  • Registration of participants
  • Plenary session
  • Official tour of the EEPiR Technical Exhibition

• Session 1. Planning for the development of distribution networks (July 5, 2023)

• Session 2. Opportunities for applying innovative solutions in distribution networks (July 5, 2023)

• Session 3. Application of new diagnostic methods and tools for repair planning (July 5, 2023)

• Session 4. Reliability of power supply to consumers during planned and emergency works (July 5, 2023)

• Demonstration of the RPA life cycle with the help of software systems

• Session 6. Labor protection (July 5, 2023)

• Poster session

• Technical exhibition "EEPiR"

• Technical exhibition "EEPiR" on the square in front of the WTC Congress Center

• Session 1. Planning for the development of distribution networks (July 6, 2023)

• Session 2. Opportunities for applying innovative solutions in distribution networks (July 6, 2023)

• Session 3. Application of new diagnostic methods and tools for repair planning (July 6, 2023)

• Session 4. Reliability of power supply to consumers during planned and emergency works (July 6, 2023)

• Session 5. Relay protection and automation of distribution networks (July 6, 2023)

• Session 6. Labor protection (July 6, 2023)

Equipment at the EEPiR Technical Exhibition

• Signing agreements

•         Summarizing

• Management of JSC "OEK" at the Technical Exhibition "EEPiR"

• Photos of participants

• Evolution of electrical energy distribution technologies

• Think Smart technology show

The organizers of the conference with the support of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation are the Rosseti Group of Companies and the magazine ELECTRIC ENERGY. Transfer and distribution.

Assistance in holding the conference is provided by: JSC "OEK", EC EPC of the CIS, NRU "MPEI", ISEM SB RAS, Association "ERA of Russia".

General partner: Tavrida Electric Group of Companies.

Official partners: Encore Engineering, PO Forenergo, LLC UK ENERGOROVITIE, LLC NPK Avtopribor, LLC ENELT Group, JSC System Electric.

Partners: VostokEnergoService LLC, Armatekh Group of Companies,

PLC Technology LLC, ThermoElectrica LLC, Energotek LLC,

MNPP "ANTRAKS", LLC "Prosoft-Systems", LLC "TEMZ",

  LLC "Energoplast", JSC "GC "ELECTROSHIELD" - TM Samara".

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