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A meeting of the Commission on Economic Issues was held in Moscow

19 октября 2023
Views: 136

On October 18, a regular meeting of the Commission on Economic Affairs was held in Moscow, during which a number of aspects of economic cooperation between the CIS member states were considered.

The members of the Commission were offered for consideration the draft Concept of cooperation between the CIS member states in the energy sector for the period until 2035 and the Plan of priority measures for its implementation. The documents reflect the main directions and mechanisms of interaction in the CIS space in the energy sector and are aimed at maximizing the promotion of socio-economic development and strengthening the positions of the CIS member states in the global energy market.

The draft Concept and Plan take into account global current trends in the industry: the energy transition, which involves an increase in the share of low-carbon energy, the global transformation of energy systems, taking into account the development and application of energy-efficient solutions, innovative technologies and digital transformation.

During the meeting, the draft Concept of cooperation between the member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States in the field of hazardous waste management and the elimination of objects of accumulated environmental harm and the Plan of priority measures for its implementation, designed to deepen the experience accumulated in the CIS member states in the management of hazardous waste, to create mechanisms for the transfer of knowledge, best practices, advanced technologies and, as a result, contribute to the improvement of national infrastructures for the management of hazardous waste, stimulate the development and implementation of sectoral interstate projects.

These draft Concepts and Plans will become an important element of a set of environmental protection measures in terms of building a modern and safe hazardous waste management system.

In addition, during the meeting, information about obstacles in mutual trade of the CIS member states and recommendations for eliminating them was reviewed. One of the main goals of preparing the Information is to ensure the functioning of the internal market without barriers with a minimum number of restrictions and exceptions.

The consideration of the issue at the meeting of the Commission was preceded by a discussion of the problems currently existing in mutual trade of the CIS member states at a meeting of the permanent high-level Working Group on October 9, 2023.

The CIS Executive Committee will continue to work on forming a list of obstacles in mutual trade of the CIS member states that require prompt solutions for consideration by the Working Group in order to eliminate them.

During the meeting, a draft Action Plan for optimizing infrastructure and developing international transport corridors passing through the territories of the CIS member states for the period until 2030 was considered, aimed at expanding and deepening cooperation between transport ministries and departments of the CIS member states in the development of international transport corridors (MTK) through the implementation of agreed measures to improve their functioning.

The implementation of the Action Plan will ensure the most effective use of the capabilities of the CIS international transport transport corridors, will create conditions for increasing their competitiveness, attracting cargo flows, and realizing the transport and transit potential of the CIS member states.

In addition, the meeting reviewed the draft List of activities for 2024–2030 in the field of combating offenses in the field of intellectual property to support the stages of implementation of the Economic Development Strategy of the Commonwealth of Independent States for the period until 2030. The document will improve the effectiveness of measures taken in the CIS member states to prevent and suppress offenses in the field of intellectual property, will contribute to further strengthening the interaction of the authorized bodies of the CIS member states (internal affairs bodies, customs, tax services, etc.) to combat offenses in this area. area, suppression of illegal use and distribution of intellectual property.

Members of the Commission were informed about the implementation of the Package of Measures for the Development of Power Engineering in the CIS Member States. Analysis of this information indicates that most of the goals have been achieved, including increasing the competitiveness of products of the CIS member states. A number of comprehensive programs for modernizing energy equipment and infrastructure, increasing the energy efficiency of technological processes have been adopted and are being implemented, knowledge and accumulated experience are being exchanged in the field of the best solutions, practices and developments, and trends have been outlined to expand industrial cooperation.

A report on the development of commodity markets for medicines in the CIS member states was presented to the attention of the members of the Commission. The report provides a detailed analysis of the state and development of the global drug market, as well as a brief description of the pharmaceutical markets of the CIS member states. The systems of state regulation of the drug markets of the CIS member states are considered, including national measures to support domestic manufacturers.

It also reflects the measures taken by the CIS member states to ensure antimonopoly control and control over advertising in the drug markets, provides an analysis of the state and development of the dietary supplement product market in the CIS member states, including pricing and control over advertising in the dietary supplement market.

During the meeting, the draft agenda for the 100th meeting of the Economic Council of the Commonwealth of Independent States was approved.

In addition, members of the Commission exchanged views on the activities of CIS industry cooperation bodies, as well as on the prospects for holding the Forum of Regions of the CIS Member States in 2024.

The next meeting of the Commission is scheduled for November 15, 2023.


Department of Economic Cooperation of the CIS Executive Committee

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