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A meeting was held between the Chairman of the EC EEC of the CIS and the President of the Association of Women in the Energy Industry of Kyrgyzstan

24 января 2023
Views: 493

On January 19, 2023, in Moscow, a meeting was held between the Chairman of the Executive Committee of the CIS Electric Power Council (EC EPC CIS) Taras Kupchikov and the President of the Association of Women in Energy of Kyrgyzstan Altynai Abdykerimova.

Altynai Abdykerimova spoke about the activities of the Association of Women in the Energy Industry of Kyrgyzstan, the results of international events that promote the exchange of experience on increasing the involvement of women in the energy sector, including at the level of management and science, as well as programs to improve the skills of women.

In turn, Taras Kupchikov spoke about the experience of developing the women's agenda within the framework of one of the largest international industry associations for scientific and technical exchange - CIGRE, a study conducted in 2020 on the share of women's employment in the electric power industry of the Russian Federation and measures of social support for women in the industry, existing opportunities and areas of interaction between the EC EPC of the CIS and the Association of Women in Energy of Kyrgyzstan in the context of the chairmanship of the Kyrgyz Republic in the Commonwealth of Independent States in 2023.

The parties agreed to jointly work out the issue of developing mechanisms to support women in the fuel and energy sector, contributing to the development of the power grid complex of the region.

“In the near future, we plan to propose to the ministers in charge of the fuel and energy complex in the CIS member states to update the criteria for awarding the honorary title "Honored Power Engineer of the CIS", and also to consider the issue of granting benefits to specialists awarded at the CIS level, provided for by similar titles in the CIS countries. We are just collecting information on measures to encourage employees of the electric power industry in the CIS member states, I hope for the help of the Association of Women in Energy in Kyrgyzstan in this matter. Also, following the results of the meeting, in the future we will be glad to see more women - power engineers from the countries of Central Asia as part of our working structures, ready to help establish international scientific and technical cooperation, including using the CIGRE mechanisms," he said.

The parties agreed that it is necessary to continue and scale up projects for the exchange of experience and advanced training of specialists in the energy sector in all CIS countries, as well as to develop dialogue and interaction on all pressing issues of development of the electric power industry in our countries.

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