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A Memorandum was signed between National Electric Grids of Uzbekistan JSC and Azerenergy OJSC

28 июля 2023
Views: 123

The management of the National Electric Grids of Uzbekistan JSC on a mission to Azerbaijan, visited power plants, substations, a laboratory, a training center and a digital control center of AzerEnergy OJSC, and took part in a number of meetings.

At the meetings of the President of the Open Joint Stock Company (OJSC) "AzerEnergy" Baba Rzayev and other persons with the leadership of the energy system of Uzbekistan, an exchange of views took place on the current state and prospects for cooperation between the power structures of both countries.

As a result of the visit, a memorandum was signed between AzerEnergy OJSC and National Electric Grids of Uzbekistan JSC. The purpose of the memorandum is to use the experience of the power system of Azerbaijan and expand cooperation between the two countries in the power sector.

During the visit, the Uzbek delegation was provided with detailed information about power plants, substations, the digital control system and the new SCADA system of AzerEnergy OJSC, important factors necessary for the application of these systems, software, automation and other areas.

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