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A number of issues regarding connections to power supply networks of Azerbaijan will be finalized

26 февраля 2024
Views: 194

The draft “Road Map” of the Working Group of Azerbaijan “Connection to Electricity Supply Networks” will be finalized taking into account new proposals from the experts of this group.

“The Center for Analysis of Economic Reforms and Communications (CAERC) hosted a meeting of the working group “Connecting to Electric Grids” of the Commission on Business Environment and International Ratings. Issues related to the adoption of necessary measures arising from the Law of the Azerbaijan Republic dated December 30, 2023 “On Amendments to the Law of the Azerbaijan Republic “On Electric Power Industry” were discussed. The draft Roadmap for 2024 of this working group was reviewed and it was decided to finalize it, taking into account new opinions and proposals from experts,” follows from the press release.

The meeting was attended by Deputy Minister of Energy Samir Veliyev and other representatives of the ministry, as well as experts from the Ministries of Economy, Digital Development and Transport, the State Committee for Urban Planning and Architecture, Azerishig OJSC, the State Agency for Highways, the Agency for the Development of Small and Medium Businesses and the Agency for regulation in the energy sector.

“The operation of the system of online applications for connection to the electricity supply network, comparative statistics of the number of online connections over the past period, reports from relevant institutions on the current situation with online payments were considered. Practical issues that arise when implementing applications received in the online system for connecting to the power supply network were also considered,” the press release said.

Discussions also took place on the challenges associated with the new World Bank report on electrical energy industry issues.

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