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A regular meeting of the Commission on Economic Affairs was held in Moscow

22 июля 2022
Views: 552

On July 20, a regular meeting of the Commission on Economic Affairs was held in Moscow, during which a wide range of economic cooperation issues between the CIS member states was considered.

Particular attention during the meeting was paid to the draft Agreement on Free Trade in Services, Incorporation, Activities and Investment of the Member States of the Commonwealth of Independent States. The main objectives of the preparation of the draft Agreement are to ensure the sustainable development of the functioning of the free trade zone for both services and goods, the liberalization of the conditions for investment activities, which predetermines the flow of goods and services. The presence in the draft Agreement of the provisions regulating investment, incorporation and activities of companies is a significant incentive for ensuring a favorable business climate for the states-participants of the Agreement and creating favorable conditions for further growth of the CIS states-participants’ economy.

During the meeting, the drafts of the Concept of scientific, technical and technological cooperation of the CIS member states and the Action Plan for its implementation, developed in order to create favorable conditions for the development of interstate scientific, technical and technological cooperation, integration in the field of research in breakthrough areas of science, engineering and technologies of the CIS member states. The concept defines the goals and main tasks, fundamental principles, main forms and priority areas of scientific, technical and technological cooperation of the CIS member states.

The implementation of the Concept will contribute to the fulfillment of the tasks set by the Agreement on the Creation of a Common Scientific and Technological Space of the States Members of the Commonwealth of Independent States dated November 3, 1995 and other regulatory legal acts in the scientific, technical and technological fields, as well as the Interstate Program for Innovative Cooperation of the CIS Member States for the period up to 2030.

In addition, the meeting approved the draft Interstate Radio Navigation Program of the Member States of the Commonwealth of Independent States for 2023-2026. The implementation of the Program will contribute to the further integration of the CIS member states in the field of navigation activities through the large-scale commercial use of services based on radio navigation systems and their functional additions.

During the meeting, information on the Interstate Target Program "Remidiation of territories of states affected by uranium mining industries" was considered.

In order to implement the business plan of the Interstate Target Program "Remidiation of the Territories of States Affected by Uranium Mining Industries" located on the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic, in 2021, work was completed on engineering preparations for the start of transportation of tailing material from the Tuyuk-Suu tailing dump to the Dalneye tailing dump.

In 2021, a Specialized Center for Radioactive Waste Management was established by the state customer from the Republic of Tajikistan (Ministry of Industry and New Technologies).

In the development of international standards for project management, the Ministry of Industry and New Technologies of the Republic of Tajikistan created a Project Implementation Group from among the employees of the Ministry and the center.

A Report on the Activities of the CIS Electric Power Council in 2019–2021 was presented to the members of the Commission. During the reporting period, the Council prepared and adopted a number of methods, recommendations, plans, reviews, instructions and regulations that can be used in a professional environment by improving the mechanisms and streamlining the procedures necessary for the productive functioning of the energy industry. The tasks of low-carbon development and digital transformation of the electric power industry are being implemented, taking into account aspects of energy security, technological sovereignty and industrial cooperation of the CIS member states.

The members of the Commission were also presented with the Report on the Activities of the Interstate Council for Antimonopoly Policy in 2018–2021. The Report analyzes the experience of interaction between the antimonopoly authorities of the CIS member states, legislative acts regulating antimonopoly regulation, the state of competition in certain sectors of the economies of the CIS member states, as well as the experience of ICAP in promoting joint initiatives on the platforms of international organizations.

During the meeting, the issue of regulatory regimes in the field of banking regulation and supervision in the CIS member states was considered. As the data presented in the Report show, the legal regulation of financial banking activities in the CIS member states is carried out in accordance with national legislation and international best practices, including the recommendations of the Basel Committee. The measures taken by the legislative regulation of the banking sector as a whole are aimed at maintaining the stability of the banking system, improving the conditions for its functioning, optimizing the mechanisms of supervision and introducing the best international practices.

The information provided in the document lays the foundation for further exchange of experience and preparation of recommendations on the convergence of financial banking regulation parameters in order to ensure stable economic relations within the CIS.

Within the framework of the meeting, the Review of the Trade Policy of the Republic of Moldova was considered. The review contains information on the trade policy regime and measures to regulate exports and imports, the development of the most important sectors of the economy, measures of commodity-money policy, the dynamics and structure of foreign trade, as well as statistical information on the main indicators of the socio-economic development of the economy of the Republic of Moldova.

The next meeting of the Commission is scheduled for September 14, 2022.


Department of Economic Cooperation of the CIS Executive Committee

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