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A regular meeting of the Commission on Economic Affairs was held in Moscow

15 февраля 2023
Views: 390


On February 15, a regular meeting of the Commission on Economic Affairs was held in Moscow, during which a number of aspects of economic cooperation between the CIS member states were considered.

During the meeting, the draft Concept of organizing and holding the Forum of CIS Regions, prepared by the Council for Interregional and Border Cooperation of the CIS Member States together with the CIS Executive Committee, was considered.

The concept defines the main goals, objectives and principles of organizing the work of the Forum of the CIS Regions, its organizational structure and funding.

The Forum of CIS Regions with the participation of most regions of the CIS member states will give an additional impetus to the strengthening and development of comprehensive interaction between the interested regions, will contribute to the creation of a fundamentally new system of interregional and border ties and relations that contribute to the unification of the economic potentials of the CIS member states.

The members of the Commission were also offered for consideration a draft Protocol on Amendments to the Agreement on Cooperation of the CIS Member States in the Creation of Compatible National Telemedicine Systems and Their Further Development and Use dated November 19, 2010.

The draft Protocol provides for the specification and expansion of the interaction scope between the CIS member states in the field of creating a common information medical space based on the integration of regional and national telemedicine consulting and diagnostic systems, taking into account the emergence of new opportunities for providing telemedicine services to citizens of the CIS member states, including high-tech and highly professional medical care based on the use of modern infocommunication technologies.

Based on the results of the discussion, the document will be finalized for further consideration by the supreme bodies of the CIS.

Members of the Commission were informed about the functioning of the energy systems of the CIS member states in the autumn-winter period. Taras Kupchikov, Chairman of the Executive Committee of the CIS Electricity Council, announced that in order to improve the energy security of the Commonwealth, within the framework of the Council, with the involvement of experts from relevant departments of the CIS member states, it is planned to conduct a systematic analysis and prepare proposals for optimizing the mechanisms for interaction between economic entities during the autumn-winter period, which will be brought to the attention of the CIS Economic Council.

In addition, within the framework of the meeting, the decisions of the Commission on Financial Issues were approved, as well as the draft agenda of the Joint Meeting of the Council of Permanent Plenipotentiary Representatives of the Commonwealth Member States to the statutory and other bodies of the Commonwealth and the Commission, which is expected to be held on March 30, 2023.

The next meeting of the Commission is scheduled for March 28, 2023.

Department of Economic Cooperation of the CIS Executive Committee


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