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A regular meeting of the Economic Commission under the CIS Economic Council took place in Moscow

19 марта 2021
Views: 793

On March 17, 2021, a regular meeting of the Economic Commission under the CIS Economic Council was held in Moscow in the CIS Executive Committee.

The agenda included issues of cooperation in various sectors of the economy, as well as a number of organizational issues of the CIS bodies activities.

In particular, the Commission members were presented with information on the implementation results of the Priority Measures Plan for the Implementation of the CIS Member States Cooperation Concept in the Energy Sector, approved by the Decision of the Council of CIS Heads of Government of May 21, 2010, prepared on the basis of information received from the member  - states of the CIS. It says, in particular, that the CIS member states are modernizing generating capacities and network facilities, increasing the efficiency of their use, implementing joint investment projects in the energy sector and projects for the joint construction and reconstruction of energy facilities. Joint projects are being implemented in the field of electric power, including the development of interstate energy transport networks. Also, measures are being taken to improve energy efficiency and reduce energy consumption, to use renewable energy sources, reorient the energy sector to an innovative direction. The CIS member states pay considerable attention to the training of qualified personnel for the fuel and energy complex.

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