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A regular meeting of the CIS Economic Council was held

27 июня 2023
Views: 186

On June 23, a regular meeting of the CIS Economic Council was held, during which a wide range of issues of economic cooperation between the CIS member states was considered.

During the meeting, information on the main target macroeconomic indicators for the development of the economies of the CIS member states for 2022 was considered, prepared by the CIS Statistical Committee in accordance with the Decision of the Council of CIS Heads of Government of November 19, 2010 (as amended on October 30, 2015). Based on the results of the analysis, it was noted that in 2022 the CIS member states that signed the said Decision, despite the growing impact of economic sanctions, mainly adhered to the recommended values of indicators characterizing macroeconomic stability.

The results of the analysis are expected to be used in the preparation and implementation of measures aimed at maintaining macroeconomic stability, achieving positive economic growth rates, strengthening foreign trade relations, and ensuring the stability of public finances and financial markets within the Commonwealth.

Members of the Economic Council heard Information about the activities of the Council of Heads of Customs Services of the CIS Member States in 2018–2022. The Council was established in 1993 to coordinate the practical interaction of the customs authorities of the CIS member states on the main aspects of customs policy. Its creation made it possible to raise the cooperation between the customs services of the CIS member states to a qualitatively new level. In 2023, the Council celebrates its 30th anniversary.

The members of the Economic Council also considered the Report on the Activities of the Coordinating Transport Conference of the Member States of the Commonwealth of Independent States in 2010-2022. The main objective of this industry cooperation council is to promote the formation of a common transport space of the CIS member states and the functioning of maritime, road and inland water transport in cooperation with other modes of transport based on concepts and programs aimed at improving their organizational structure, ensuring conditions for the transit of goods, protection environment, passenger transportation safety and cargo safety.

In 2010–2022, the activities of the Council and its structural divisions were aimed at preparing international agreements and agreed proposals on priority areas for the development of transport, promoting the implementation of a number of transport projects in the CIS member states, thematic conferences and forums dedicated to topical issues of the development of transport complexes of states - members of the CIS.

During the meeting, the issue of updating the List of joint response measures to emerging problems dated June 10, 2022 was considered. In accordance with the initiative expressed at the meeting of the Economic Council on March 17, 2023, the CIS member states, together with the CIS sectoral cooperation bodies and the CIS Executive Committee, developed additions to the List.

The measures provided for by these addenda are aimed at ensuring the economic stability of the CIS member states and contribute to strengthening mutually beneficial relations between them in such key areas of the economy as transport, trade, agro-industrial complex and information and communication technologies.

The meeting approved the draft Concept for the Digital Transformation of the Fuel and Energy Sectors of the CIS Member States and the Plan of Priority Actions for its Implementation, prepared by the CIS Executive Committee together with the base organization, the National Research University MPEI. According to the draft Concept, the main tasks of interaction between the CIS member states in the development of the digital transformation of the fuel and energy complex are: the formation of a common vision of digital transformation; expansion of mutually beneficial cooperation ties; creation, development and application of digital platforms in the fuel and energy industry. The draft Plan provides for measures to develop interstate cooperation in the field of digital transformation of the oil and gas complex, the coal industry, the electric power industry, and nuclear energy.

It is expected that these documents will contribute to the creation of an information infrastructure on which digital platforms and technologies are based, where competencies are formed for the development of the fuel and energy complex of the CIS member states.

The documents will be submitted for consideration by the CIS Council of Heads of Government.

The members of the Economic Council have been presented with a draft Concept for organizing and holding the Forum of Regions of the CIS Member States, prepared by the Council for Interregional and Border Cooperation of the CIS Member States jointly with the CIS Executive Committee.

The concept defines the main goals, objectives and principles of organizing the work of the Forum of the CIS Regions, its organizational structure and funding.

The Forum of CIS Regions with the participation of most regions of the CIS member states will give an additional impetus to the strengthening and development of comprehensive interaction between the interested regions, will contribute to the creation of a fundamentally new system of interregional and border ties and relations that contribute to the unification of the economic potentials of the CIS member states.

The meeting also considered the Concept for the Development of the Library and Information Space on the Basis of the Border Libraries of the CIS Member States and the Plan of Main Activities for its Implementation, prepared by the Council for Interregional and Border Cooperation of the CIS Member States jointly with the CIS Executive Committee. The concept defines the goals, objectives and principles for the development of the library space. Specific activities for its implementation are indicated in the Plan of Main Activities for 2023-2030.

The adoption of the Concept will help to provide conditions for strengthening interregional and cross-border cooperation of libraries of the CIS member states in the field of promoting information resources, organizing library and information services for the multinational population of border areas.

By decision of the Economic Council, the Plan of Priority Actions for 2023-2030 for the implementation of the Concept of Cooperation between the CIS Member States in the field of the use of renewable energy sources dated November 20, 2013 was approved. The draft Plan was developed taking into account the accumulated experience, modern realities and new urgent tasks that have arisen before the industry. The document includes activities aimed at analyzing the state and forecasting the development of renewable energy, as well as monitoring the current regulatory framework and activities to implement green energy support mechanisms in the CIS member states, including "green certificates", creating and updating a unified register of developers and manufacturers of energy equipment for renewable energy in the CIS, etc. The adoption of the Plan will further strengthen the interaction of the CIS member states in this area, ensuring the contribution of renewable energy sources in the energy balance for the transition to low-carbon development.

In addition, during the meeting, the Long-Term Plan of Joint Works on Exploration, Use and Protection of the Subsoil of the Member States of the Commonwealth of Independent States for 2023–2030 was considered. The draft long-term plan was developed in order to form a highly efficient, innovation-oriented system of geological study of the subsoil and reproduction of the mineral resource base, which ensures the solution of the tasks set at the present stage and in the long term.

The adoption of the Plan will further strengthen the interaction of the geological services of the CIS member states, the joint solution of complex scientific and practical problems, the acquisition of experience and relevant skills of specialists and scientists in the field of geology and subsoil use.

The attention of the members of the Economic Council was brought to the issue of the basic organization of the member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States for the training of personnel for customs services. The Russian Customs Academy (RTA) is recommended as the base organization of the CIS member states.

The development of international cooperation and the training of specialists for the customs services of the CIS member states are among the priorities of the RTA.

The next meeting of the Economic Council is scheduled

as of September 22, 2023.


Department of Economic Cooperation of the CIS Executive Committee

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