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A unified republican data processing center of an automated electricity metering and control system has been launched in the Republic of Uzbekistan

26 августа 2020
Views: 529

On August 20, 2020, the official opening ceremony of the new premises of the "Electricity Metering Automation Center" was held in Tashkent. The event was organized by JSC “Regional Power  Networks” jointly with KT Corporation (South Korea) and the Asian Development Bank (ADB).

As noted at the event, today Uzbekistan is carrying out large-scale reforms in all spheres of life support, and one of the key areas is the development of the energy sector. The opening of the Center will be a very important step in the implementation of the priority tasks set by the country's leadership for the industry. The introduction of digital technologies and innovative energy supply systems is what the Regional Power Networks joint-stock company is striving for in its activities today.

By the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated October 23, 2018 "On measures for accelerated development and ensuring financial stability of the electric power industry", further measures were determined for the introduction of an automated system for monitoring and accounting for electricity (ASMAE) throughout the republic.

For these purposes, the Joint Stock Company "Regional Power Networks" together with the company "KT Corporation" established a Center for the Control and Accounting of Electricity in Tashkent.

The main capability of the Center is to ensure the calculation of multi-tariff subscribers, automatic disconnection from the network of consumers in arrears and their reconnection when paying for consumed electricity, prompt notification of the facts of interference in the operation of metering devices, as well as control and monitoring of the flow and consumption of electricity through the networks.

This system will ensure reliable accounting of the supply and consumption volumes of energy, as it has a high accuracy class. The Center's software is designed to serve 8 million subscribers, with the possibility of increasing them to 20.0 million.

Today, modern electronic meters are installed in all regions of the country, even in the most remote ones. In recent years, with the growth of electricity consumption in the regions of the country, a lot of work has been done to meet consumer demand for this important energy resource.

To date, more than 3.6 million consumers living in more than 70 regions and cities of the country are connected to modern electricity metering devices. Until July 2021, it is planned to fully cover all 7.4 million consumers.

For reference: On January 17, 2019, an agreement was signed between KT Corporation and JSC “Uzbekenergo” (the successor of which is the newly created RPN JSC) on the organization in Tashkent of the Unified Republican Center for Control and Accounting of Electricity. Already on November 6 of the same year, JSC “Regional Power  Networks” and KT Corporation started the reconstruction of the building of a single Center and the installation of server equipment from Korea, China, Singapore and the USA.

Press Service of JSC "Regional Power  Networks"

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