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About 155 billion tenge will be invested in renewable energy sources in Kazakhstan in 2021

02 сентября 2021
Views: 532

About 155 billion tenge will be invested in renewable energy sector in Kazakhstan in 2021. This was reported by the Ministry of Energy. According to the ministry, this year it is planned to commission 22 green energy facilities with a total capacity of 382 MW. Of these, 13 wind power plants (WPP) with total capacity 259.65 MW, five hydroelectric power plants (HPP) with with total capacity 45.59 MW, four solar power plants (SPP) with with total capacity 76.95 MW. Of these, seven objects with total capacity 240 MW have already been commissioned. As a result, renewable energy sector in Kazakhstan will generate about 4 billion kWh, which is 3.5% of the total electricity production. At the end of the year, the total number of renewable energy facilities will reach 138 with an installed capacity of 2,000 MW. The Ministry of Energy noted that by 2025 the share of renewable energy sources in electricity production will be 6%, and by 2030 - 15%. Previously, the plans were to bring the share of alternative energy sources to 10% in nine years. At the same time, currently there are 123 operating renewable energy facilities with total capacity of 1,900 MW in Kazakhstan, including 31 WPPs with total capacity 601.3 MW, 48 SPPs with total capacity 1,000 MW, 39 HPPs with total capacity 255.08 MW, 5 BioPPs with total capacity 7.82 MW. "The main priorities for energy development will be determined by the systematic and consistent build-up of clean energy generation, primarily hydropower, renewable energy sources and maneuverable gas capacities, as well as a phased transition to new technologies," clean coal "using modern combustion and gas treatment systems," - noted in the Ministry of Energy. The department added that Kazakhstan is developing a draft of a new law on the development of alternative energy sector. The development of hydrogen energy is also being considered in Kazakhstan. Meanwhile, A. Sospanova, chairman of the Kazakhstan Association of Solar Energy, noted that prices for electricity and heat will grow regardless of whether traditional energy sources or green ones be developed. This is due to the commissioning of new capacities, the development and construction of additional infrastructure, modernization and other factors. At the same time, the cost of green energy has dropped significantly. At the same time, in order to reach 15% of renewable energy generation in the total volume of the electric power industry, it is necessary to commission 300-350 MW of green capacities annually. On average, it will take $ 300 million annually. Moreover, the amount of investment depends on technology. However, it is not enough to build green power plants. In order for them to function in the integrated power system, it is necessary to solve the current problems of the industry, such as reducing the wear and tear of power grids, creating infrastructure and flexible capacities. "Our power grids must be ready to accept the volumes of renewable energy. The first stage, when its share was increased to 3% in 2020, showed that further development is hampered by existing barriers. This is a low transmission capacity, isolation of certain regions, the fact that renewable energy sources are variable, the energy system must be flexible and have flexible sources", A. Sospanova explained. In turn, the Ministry of Ecology, answering the question about the price burden for the population, noted that the implementation of projects is carried out basing on the auction method. According to the results of the auction, the purchase of renewable electricity will allow obtaining low tariffs. "This will reduce the future costs of RES electricity for consumers, as well as increase the attractiveness of the RES power market for investors. However, an increase in the electricity tariff affects the marginal tariff of traditional power producing organizations (conditional consumers), accordingly affecting the cost for end users," explained in the ministry. At the same time, according to the Ministry of Ecology, the required volume of investments for the transition to a green economy is about 1% of GDP annually. According to the department, this share is equivalent to $ 3-4 billion annually. At the same time, more than $ 90 billion of investment for the entire period up to 2050 will go to energy efficiency measures and the development of renewable energy sector, as well as the creation of gas infrastructure. Due to this, according to the concept, GDP will be increased by 3%, more than 500 thousand new jobs will be created. It is also planned to form new industries and services, standards for the quality of life of the population. At the same time, the Ministry of Ecology disclosed the current problems in the field of ecology and the economic effect of the transition to a green economy. According to the ministry, resources are inefficiently used in all major sectors of the country. According to experts, the lost profit is $ 4-8 billion per year for the economy and could grow to $ 14 billion by 2030. "The potential for energy savings is $ 3-4 billion per year, by 2030 - $ 6-10 billion per year. Economic losses incurred as a result of low land productivity amount to $ 1.5-4 billion per year, and by 2030 may become more. This will lead to social consequences for the agricultural sector, where 30-45% of the population is employed in such regions as North Kazakhstan, Almaty and South Kazakhstan", the Ministry of Ecology noted. The ministry added that the state of natural resources and the environment has seriously deteriorated in the country in terms of all most important environmental indicators. For  example, almost a third of agricultural land is degraded or seriously threatened, and more than 10 million hectares of potentially arable land have been abandoned in the past. In addition, a deficit of 13-14 billion cubic meters of sustainable water resources is forecasted by 2030. By this time period, the economic losses from the lack of water resources are estimated at $ 6-7 billion per year, and for the entire period up to 2050 - about $ 80 billion. At the same time, the costs of the transition from a water-scarce economy to an economy that efficiently uses water resources are up to $ 1 billion. There is a high level of air pollution in cities. There is no integrated waste management system in the country: 97% of solid waste ends up in uncontrolled landfills and waste disposal sites that do not meet the requirements of sanitary standards. Lost profits from ineffective natural resource management could be up to $ 7 billion by 2030. According to the ministry's plans, 55% of buildings and 40% of power plants will be built from scratch by 2030. More than 80% of the vehicle fleet will also be new in ten years. In addition, the share of renewable energy sources generation in the electricity sector will be 50% by 2050. By 2040, the problem of water supply for agriculture will be solved. If construction is provided by 50% of our own products, up to 150 thousand jobs will be created by 2030. "Greening" agriculture will create 400 thousand new jobs. Of these, up to 150 thousand places - from expanding the area of ​​pastures and agricultural land, 50 thousand places - due to an increase in greenhouse facilities, 200 thousand places - in mixed industries. Investments in the electric power industry could reach about $ 50 billion by 2030 and $ 50 billion by 2050. Up to 50% of investments will go to alternative energy sources. Up to 8,000 new jobs will be created at the expense of waste collection and recycling enterprises by 2030. In the field of water resources management, from 3 thousand to 8 thousand new jobs will appear. At the same time, at the initial stage, in addition to measures to change irrigation methods, it is necessary to build and modernize treatment facilities in the 20 largest cities of the country. This will require $ 1-2 billion in investments. In 2013-2020, the main priority was to optimize the use of resources and increase the efficiency of environmental protection, as well as the creation of green infrastructure. In 2020-2030, on the basis of the established infrastructure, the economy will start transition to the careful use of water, encourage and stimulate the introduction of renewable energy technologies, as well as the construction of facilities based on high standards of energy efficiency. 

2030-2050 will fall on the third industrial revolution.

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