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About 200 enterprises and organizations are expected to participate in the XXVI Belarusian Energy and Environmental Forum

15 сентября 2022
Views: 162

Forum will be held in Minsk from 11 to 14 October.

The key events of the forum will be the international specialized exhibition “Energy. Ecology. Energy saving. Electro” (Energyexpo), as well as the Belarusian Energy and Environmental Congress.

The exhibition program of the forum includes specialized sections "Innovative industrial technologies", "Atomexpo-Belarus", "Technologies for the petrochemical industry", "ExpoSvet", "Water and air technologies", "ExpoGorod", the salon of innovative transport "E-Trans". The exhibition will present modern technological solutions in the field of energy, petrochemistry, energy saving and ecology. Thematic conferences, seminars, round tables, presentations will also be held within the framework of the forum.

Detailed information about the forum and conditions for media accreditation at the link: https://energyexpo.by/

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