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Action plans to prepare for the autumn-winter period in the Kyrgyz Republic are completed

01 ноября 2022
Views: 147

By the Kyrgyz Republic Cabinet of Ministers Decree for energy companies, planned targets for the repair of energy equipment for 2022 were established in order to successfully and reliably pass the autumn-winter period 2022/2023. In connection with the onset of the autumn-winter period, as well as on the basis of the recommendations of the Ministry of Energy and the National Energy Holding of the Kyrgyz Republic, the energy companies completed scheduled repairs on October 31, 2022.

Thus, in 9 months, according to the schedule of repair work of the main equipment at HPPs, overhauls of 5 hydroelectric units were completed in a timely manner (2 units at Kurpsaiskaya HPP, one unit each at Tash-Kumyrskaya HPP, Shamaldysayskaya HPP and Uchkorgonskaya HPP.)

At the CHPP in Bishkek, among the main equipment repair work was carried out on boiler units and turbine units.

Overhaul of 479.4 km of overhead power lines with a voltage of 110-500 kV was completed for the power grids. 164 substations 35/6-10 kV, 2937 complete transformer substations 6-10/0.4 kV, 4517 kilometers of power lines 6-10-0.4 kV, 452.8 kilometers of overhead lines 35 kV.

In addition, 128 additional transformer substations were installed in the regions of the republic, 166 overloaded transformers were replaced with high power ones, 346 km of power lines with a voltage of 10-0.4 kV were built and reconstructed, including the reconstruction of overhead power lines of 0.4 kV with replacement by about 89 km self-supporting insulated wire (Type-2).

Timely implementation of such events will ensure high-quality and reliable preparation for the autumn-winter period in order to avoid overloads and accidents.

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