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After 2035 the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation expects the renewable energy generation development without support programs

18 ноября 2021
Views: 445

The Russian Ministry of Energy expects that the development of renewable energy in the Russian Federation after 2035 will not require a support program due to the achievement of price parity between renewable energy generation and traditional generation, said the head of the Ministry Nikolai Shulginov in an interview with the Russian TV channel 24.

“The last competition [for renewable energy projects within the framework of the state support program until 2035 - ed] shows that producers have competencies [..] and prices have already fallen, so we hope that after 2035, and maybe even earlier, there will be price parity between the traditional and renewable generation. And therefore, it will allow to continue the development of renewable energy already without support”, the minister said.

He noted that within the framework of the current program until 2035 worth 360 billion rubles, which started this year, an additional 8-9 GW will be commissioned.

Recall that the last selection of renewable energy projects under the state support program took place in September this year. 69 projects passed the competition for the construction of facilities with a total capacity of 2.7 GW, including a wind farm with a capacity of 1,851 MW, a solar power plant with 774.8 MW, and a hydroelectric power plant with a capacity of 96 MW.

It became the first under the new program for the development of "green" generation (CDA RES-2), calculated for the period from 2025 to 2034 and providing for the commissioning of 6.7 GW of renewable energy capacities, including 2.4 GW SPP (0.3 GW postponed from the first program), 4.1 GW WPP and 0.2 GW SHPP.

In addition, this selection was for the first time carried out under new rules aimed at maximizing the electricity generation of new renewable energy units. According to them, one of the key parameters for comparing projects during the auction was the project efficiency indicator declared by the participants, and not the value of specific capital costs, as it was before. The limiting values ​​of the efficiency indicator, as well as the amount of support for the RES-2 CDA by type and by years of capacities commissioning, were approved earlier by the government.

This year, about 10.9 billion rubles of state support were drawn for the construction of wind power plants with the start of power supply in 2025-2027, 5.9 billion rubles for SPPs with power supply in 2023-2024, and 2.9 billion rubles for small hydropower plants with delivery capacity in 2027-2028.

The volume of capacity selected for construction turned out to be almost 3 times more than the volume that was assumed by the basic limit parameters of the tender (2.7 GW against the planned approximately 1 GW). And the declared efficiency indicators during the bidding for the wind farm and solar power plant were reduced by the participants by an average of 2 times. For some projects, the price of electricity dropped by 1.7 rubles / kWh, which is comparable to the level of current prices on the wholesale energy market.

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