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Alexander Novak urged Tajikistan to return to the Integrated Power System

07 декабря 2021
Views: 39211

On December 2, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Alexander Novak, as part of his speech at the session of the Second Eurasian Congress, called on Tajikistan to return to the Integrated Power System of Central Asia (CA). Particular attention was paid to the importance of the common electricity market.

Novak stressed that the Cabinet of Ministers of the Russian Federation has already given instructions to the EDB regarding the bank's participation in water and energy projects in the countries of the Central Asian region. In addition, the official said that at the moment a number of departments are developing the rules for the future common electricity market of the EAEU countries. According to the Deputy Prime Minister, the relevant market will increase the share of renewable energy sources and maintain the reliability of energy supply to consumers.

In response to Novak's proposal, Minister of Industry and New Technologies of Tajikistan Sherali Kabir said that the republic would return to the unified energy system of Central Asia in 2022. He drew attention to the fact that after the launch of the Rogun HPP, the power market will undergo dramatic changes, and the deficit of electricity in the region will be eliminated.

Recall that the above-mentioned energy model in Central Asia was finally formed in 1997. It included Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan and South Kazakhstan. The system ceased to exist as such in 2009, but was recreated again in 2019.

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