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All branches of OJSC "National Electric Grid of Kyrgyzstan" received passports of readiness for winter

23 ноября 2021
Views: 427

Branches of OJSC "National Electric Grid of Kyrgyzstan" - enterprises of high-voltage electrical networks - Chui, Talas, Osh, Jalal-Abad, Issyk-Kul and Naryn regions received certificates of readiness for work in the autumn-winter period (AWP).

The decision to issue readiness passports was made following a detailed consideration of special commissions acts at a meeting of the permanent headquarters of the National Electricity Network of Kyrgyzstan OJSC on the preparation and passage of the autumn-winter period.

The readiness certificate is the main document confirming the fulfillment of the necessary conditions to ensure reliable and stable operation of the power grid complex in the conditions of the autumn-winter maximum load.

The branches of the company have done a lot of work to obtain this document. Planned, current, overhaul repairs of the main and auxiliary equipment, measures for the modernization and reconstruction of substations and power transmission lines have been carried out.

Thus, within the framework of preparation for the AWP, OJSC “National Electric Network of Kyrgyzstan” carried out: overhaul of equipment at 89 substations, routine repairs at 196 substations. Overhaul of 110 - 500 kV overhead lines was carried out at 458.8 km, maintenance of 110 - 500 kV overhead lines was carried out at 6724.3 km. In addition, the repair of buildings, structures, vehicles was carried out, as well as work related to the prevention of flood impacts on power equipment.

Checks of the readiness of the branches' power grids were carried out by commissions on-site. The commissions for assessing the readiness of the company’s branches - enterprises of high-voltage electrical networks for the passage of the AWP 2021-2022 included managers and technical specialists of the company's central office, as well as representatives of the State Inspectorate for Energy, Mining Supervision and Industrial Safety under the Ministry of Energy of the Kyrgyz Republic.

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