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Among the CIS and Central Asian countries, the highest level of electricity consumption is observed in Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus

01 ноября 2022
Views: 145

Among the CIS and Central Asian countries, the highest level of electricity consumption is observed in Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus

In the same three countries, electricity is the most affordable for the population.

Among the CIS and Central Asian countries, according to Index Mundi analysts, the highest level of electricity consumption per capita is observed in Russia (6.4 thousand kWh per person per year), Kazakhstan (4.9 thousand kWh per person ) and Belarus (3.3 thousand kWh per person).

The lowest rates were recorded in Moldova (1.3 thousand kWh per person), Tajikistan (1.5 thousand kWh per person) and Uzbekistan (1.6 thousand kWh per person).

Globally, the highest rates among the 213 countries monitored in 2020 are in Iceland, Norway and Kuwait, the lowest in African Chad, Guinea-Bissau and the Central African Republic (excluding the sparsely populated Northern Mariana Islands).

When calculating the indicator, data on the total electricity consumption of each country for the year, divided by the size of its population, were used.

The level of consumption is expectedly influenced by the ratio of average electricity tariffs for the population and average incomes of citizens of the respective countries.

The most favorable conditions are quite predictably observed in the same trio of countries. Thus, in Russia, taking into account the ratio of tariffs and income, the amount of kWh available for the average annual income is about 232.1 thousand kWh per year and, accordingly, 19.3 thousand kWh per month.

In Kazakhstan, the figures are similar: 221.8 thousand kWh per year and 18.5 thousand kWh per month are available for the average annual income.

In Belarus, which closes the top 3 countries according to this criterion, the figures are already noticeably lower: 101.4 thousand kWh per year and 8.5 thousand kWh per month.

The lowest rates are observed in Tajikistan, Armenia and Moldova.

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