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Analysis of the electricity and coal market in Kazakhstan

25 июля 2022
Views: 30129


Since the beginning of the year, 3 solar power plants with a total capacity of 55 MW have been commissioned in Kazakhstan, and by the end of 2022, it is planned to commission another 10 renewable energy facilities with a total capacity of 290.6 MW. This is stated in the Analysis of the Electricity and Coal Market of Kazakhstan for the period January-May 2022, posted on the website of Samruk-Energy JSC.

According to the report, in Kazakhstan, according to the System Operator, in the period from January to May 2022, 48,108.4 million kWh of electricity were generated. This is 1.4% less than in the same period of 2021.

The volume of electricity production by energy producing organizations of Samruk-Energy JSC for this period amounted to more than 12 million kWh, which allows the company to confidently take a leading position in the electricity market of Kazakhstan with a share of 30.7%.

According to the Analysis, in comparison with last year, for the first 5 months of 2022 in Kazakhstan, the index of electricity consumption by industrial enterprises amounted to 104.4%. An increase in production volumes was recorded in 15 regions of the republic, a decrease is observed in Kyzylorda and Pavlodar regions.

According to the System Operator, over the specified period, there was an increase in the dynamics of electricity consumption of the republic in comparison with the same indicators in 2021 by 46.0 million kWh or 0.1%. Thus, in the western and southern zones of the republic, consumption increased by 6.2% and 1.7%, respectively.

Since the beginning of the year, an increase in coal production by 6.7% has been observed in Kazakhstan. The total volume of coal mined in the country amounted to 47.4 million tons.

In January-May 2022, Bogatyr Komir LLP produced 18,945.4 thousand tons, which is 4% more than in the corresponding period of 2021.

The volume of coal sold by the company in January-May 2022 amounted to 18,873.2 thousand tons. Of these, 14,497.2 thousand tons for the domestic market of the Republic of Kazakhstan and 4,376.0 thousand tons for export (RF).

Experts note in Kazakhstan a significant increase (19.8%) in the production of electricity by renewable energy capacities. In total, for the period from January to May 2022, 1,898.1 million kWh were generated.

Today, according to the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as of May 2022, 136 renewable energy facilities operate in Kazakhstan:

- 40 wind power plants with a capacity of 684 MW;

- 51 solar power plants with a capacity of 1093 MW;

- 40 hydroelectric power plants with a capacity of 280 MW;

- 5 bioelectric power plants with a capacity of 8 MW.

Electricity generation by renewable energy facilities of Samruk-Energy JSC in January-May 2022 amounted to more than 145 million kWh, which is 10.5% higher compared to the same period in 2021. The share of RES electricity of Samruk-Energy JSC is 7.6% of the volume of electricity generated by RES facilities in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Full information of the Analysis of the Electricity and Coal Market in Kazakhstan for the period January-December 2021 can be found at the link: https://www.samruk-energy.kz/ru/press-center/analytical-review

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