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Analytical report "Analysis of the electricity and coal market in Kazakhstan for the period January-December 2021" (posted on the website of Samruk-Energy JSC)

15 февраля 2022
Views: 585

An analytical report "Analysis of the electricity and coal market in Kazakhstan for the period January-December 2021" is posted on the website of Samruk-Energy JSC.

In general, according to the analysis, based on the results of the System Operator, all power plants of the Republic of Kazakhstan generated 114,447.9 million kWh of electricity in 2021, which is 5.8% more than in 2020. The growth in generation was observed in all zones of the Unified Energy System of Kazakhstan.

At the same time, in 2021, there was an increase of 6% in the dynamics of electricity consumption of the republic in comparison with the indicators of 2020. So, in the northern zone of the republic, consumption increased by 5%, in the southern zone by 9% and in the western zone by 7%.

According to the market analysis, the volume of electricity production by renewable energy facilities (SPP, WPP, BGS, small HPPs) of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2021 amounted to 4,220.3 million kWh. Compared to 2020, the increase was 30.1%.

Electricity generation by renewable energy facilities of Samruk-Energo JSC (SPP, WPP, small HPPs) in January-December 2021 amounted to 325.3 million kWh or 7.7% of the volume of electricity generated by renewable energy facilities in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

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