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Armenia signed the Framework Agreement establishing the International Solar Alliance

20 ноября 2023
Views: 98

On November 16, the official ceremony of Armenia signing the Framework Agreement on the Establishment of the International Solar Alliance took place at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Armenia.

As reported by the Department of Media and Public Diplomacy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Armenia, the signing ceremony was attended by the Minister of Territorial Administration and Infrastructure of the Republic of Armenia Gnel Sanosyan and the ambassadors of the co-founding countries of the International Solar Alliance - Ambassador of France Olivier Decotigny and Ambassador of India Nilakshi Saha Sinha.

The Agreement was signed by Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Mnatsakan Safaryan, after which the signed originals were officially handed over to the Ambassador of India, the depositary state of the Agreement. The Agreement will then undergo an internal ratification procedure and enter into force on the thirtieth day after Armenia has submitted its instrument of ratification to the Depositary.

Armenia's entry into the International Solar Alliance is an important step towards combating climate change, developing renewable and green energy resources, ensuring access to energy and energy security.


The International Solar Alliance was created through the joint efforts of India and France to jointly combat climate change and harness solar energy resources. The concept of the Alliance was developed in 2015 within the framework of the 21st conference of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP 21), held in Paris. In 2020, the Alliance amended the Framework Agreement, according to which all UN member states have the opportunity to join the Alliance. Currently, 116 states have signed the Alliance Framework Agreement, 94 of which have submitted the necessary instruments of ratification to become full members of the Alliance. The governing body of the Alliance is the Assembly, convened once a year at the level of the relevant ministers of the member countries. The headquarters of the Alliance is located in India.

Renewable energy is one of the most important areas of development of the power system of Armenia, where solar energy has been developing particularly well in recent years. Today, more than 5% of all electricity produced comes from solar power plants. The strategic energy development program provides for increasing the share of solar energy in the total volume to 15% by 2030.

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