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Azerbaijan has increased electricity production

15 мая 2020
Views: 530

In April this year, Azerbaijan produced 1923.6 million kWh, exported 17.5 million kWh, and imported 17.7 million kWh of electricity.
According to the Ministry of energy, in April compared to the same period in 2019, the volume of electricity produced in the Republic decreased by 112.2 million kWh, exports – by 86.4 million kWh, and imports increased by 6.5 million kWh.
It is reported that the volume of electricity produced in the Republic in January-April this year, compared to the same period last year, increased by 68.2 million kWh and amounted to 8896.7 million kWh.
Compared to the first 4 months of last year production of electricity at thermal power plants increased by 189,2 million kWh and amounted to 8435,2 million kWh, HPP decreased by is 120.2 million kWh and made 341,8 million kWh, according to other sources (VES, SES and TUTBO) decreased by 0.8 million kWh and amounted to 119.7 million kWh
The wind farm produced 34.5 million kWh, the SES produced 13.4 million kWh, and the solid waste disposal plant produced 71.8 million kWh of electricity.
"In the first 4 months of 2020 electricity production at the OJSC "Azerenergy" made 7985,8 million kWh (TPPs 7689,9 million kWh, HPP 295,9 million kWh), under the State energy service of the Nakhchivan AR 114,1 million kWh (TPPs 62.7 million kWh, hydro 39.9 million kW/h for the SES to 11.5 million kWh), an independent power 796,8 million kWh During this time, the export of electricity amounted to 500.6 million kWh, compared to the same period in 2019, it decreased by 116.4 million kWh. Electricity imports amounted to 44.7 million kWh, compared to the same period last year, decreased by 7.5 million kWh," the report says.

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