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Azerbaijan increased electricity generation

16 мая 2022
Views: 401

Electricity generation in Azerbaijan in January-April 2022 exceeded 9.24 billion kWh, which is 3.3% more than the same period in 2021. Azerbaijani Energy Minister Parviz Shahbazov wrote about this on Twitter.

During this period, 93% of all generated electricity came from thermal power plants, and the remaining 7% were generated by power plants operating on renewable energy sources, the publication says.

Electricity generation by hydroelectric power plants, wind and solar power plants, as well as the thermal power plant of the solid waste disposal plant amounted to 492.6 million kWh, 32.2 million kWh, 18 million kWh and 76 million kWh, respectively.

During the reporting period, Azerbaijan exported 518.6 million kWh of electricity, while its import amounted to 40.7 million kWh.

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