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Azerbaijan named volumes of power production in January-August 2021

28 сентября 2021
Views: 546

Power production in the republic in January-August 2021 amounted to 18 billion 612.4 million kWh, an increase of 1 billion 109.7 kWh, Report agency informs with reference to the Ministry of Energy of Azerbaijan.

Production at TPPs amounted to 17 billion 409.7 million kWh (+994.2 million), at hydroelectric power plants - 966.9 million kWh (+120.3 million), from other sources (WPP, SPP and BZSTBO) - 235.8 million kWh (-4.8 million). Wind power plants generated 58.6 million kWh, solar power plants - 38 million kWh, and a municipal solid waste incineration plant - 139.2 million kWh.

For 8 months, Azerenergy OJSC generated 16 billion 737.1 million kWh of electricity (TPP - 15 billion 892.7 million, HPP - 844.4 million), the State Energy Service of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic - 312.3 million kWh ( TPP - 165.7 million, HPP - 111.6 million, SES - 35 million), independent power plants - 519.9 million kWh, Azerishig wind farm - 43.1 million kWh.

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