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Azerbaijan plans to expand power transmission lines in the direction of Russia - Azerenerji OJSC

23 декабря 2021
Views: 39150

Azerbaijan plans to expand power transmission lines in the direction of Russia.

President of Azerenerji OJSC Baba Rzayev said this on Wednesday during the 1st Azerbaijan-Turkey Energy Forum in Baku.

"Azerbaijan is fully self-sufficient in electricity, and also exports it. There are only a few companies in our country that are engaged in energy generation. Over the past five years, to increase energy production, a number of technical indicators for companies engaged in electricity generation have been reduced. New modern equipment was purchased. Electricity transmission lines have been laid to the settlements of Georgia, Russia and Iran. It is also planned to expand these lines in the Russian direction. We plan to expand the export of electricity to a number of other neighboring countries", he said.

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