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Bakyt Sydykov: The situation in the energy sector of the Kyrgyz Republic is currently critical

08 июня 2021
Views: 903

“The situation in the energy industry is currently critical and is associated with a low volume of water in the Toktogul reservoir, high growth rates of domestic consumption, overloading of high-voltage tie-stations, a large share of electrical distribution equipment that is in poor technical condition. If decisive steps are not taken to stabilize the situation, a collapse of the entire energy system may occur. The cascade of the Toktogul HPPs will stop and, as a result, a protracted socio-economic crisis in the Republic, ”said Bakyt Sydykov, Chairman of the National Energy Holding of the Kyrgyz Republic, during his speech at the Round of the table “Energy of Kyrgyzstan. Past. Present. Future"

The current water and energy situation is of great concern due to the decrease in the inflow rate of the Naryn River. If in the period 2001-2010 the average inflow was 14.1 billion m3, then in 2017-2020 inflow amounted to 12.3 billion m3. The difference in inflow was 1.8 billion m3, which corresponds to the output of 1.8 billion kWh at KTPP. Accordingly, the low inflow was reflected in the accumulated volume of the Toktogul reservoir. At present, the situation with secondary energy resources is in a critical state. With the current volume of water (8.59 billion m3 as of April 15, 2021) Toktogul HPP is operating in an extreme mode, with high wear of hydroelectric units.

Bakyt Sydykov also noted that in order to ensure reliable and high-quality power supply to consumers, a program for the reconstruction of 110-500 kV networks for 2021-2025 has been developed and detailed. Total investment under the program will amount to KGS 8.4 billion, incl. KGS 1.48 billion for the modernization and reconstruction of 110-220 kV substations, KGS 0.25 billion for the modernization and reconstruction of 110-220 kV overhead lines and KGS 6.6 billion for the implementation of investment projects.

In addition, the consolidated program for the development of electrical networks for 2021-2025 involves investment in the construction, reconstruction and modernization of Regional Electricity Company (REC) assets in the amount of KGS 21.4 billion.

Thus, following the results of the implementation of the network development program, it is planned to replace the entire volume of unsatisfactory REC equipment, replace overloaded power transformers of JSC NESK and significantly increase the reliability and quality of power supply to consumers.

Automation and digitalization is an important tool in improving the efficiency of the energy industry and combating corruption. In particular, in this direction it is assumed:

- installation of metering devices AMRCS and introduction of a unified billing in REC;

- automation of the process of calculating losses by digitizing operational circuits of electrical networks;

- implementation of SCADA;

- remote servicing of the population through the development of mobile applications that allow paying for services and fines;

- installation of self-supporting insulated wires with fiber-optic communication lines with the creation of a fiber-optic network.

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