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Balkan-Dashoguz: the second stage of construction of a ring electric power transmission line has begun in Turkmenistan

18 января 2022
Views: 649

The contractors of the Turkmenenergogurlushyk concern have started the second stage in the construction of a ring electric power transmission line connecting the Balkan and Dashoguz velayats.

From the substation "Balkan" to Dashoguz, the length of the electric power transmission line is more than 560 kilometers. 1446 towers of the future power line will be erected along this route. At the same time, the project provides for the installation of power transformers, switches, disconnectors, relay protection and automation, telemechanics, communications and SCADA systems.

Work on the creation of the Akhal-Balkan-Dashoguz ring power system was launched in July 2020. In October 2021, the first stage of the electric power transmission line between Akhal and Balkan regions was put into operation, the length of which is 421 km.

The customer State Electric Power Corporation "Turkmenenergo" signed contracts and purchased the equipment, materials and vehicles necessary for the construction of high-voltage power lines and substations with the funds of a soft loan allocated by the Asian Development Bank.

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