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Belarus and the Russian Federation will form a common information space between power systems

14 февраля 2024
Views: 56

Belarusian and Russian specialists agreed on the formation of a common information space between power systems. This was reported by the press service of the State Production Association Belenergo following the participation of department representatives in the conference “CIM in Russia and the World” held in Sochi and dedicated to the unification of information exchange in the electric power industry based on the standards of the Common Information Model (CIM).

“On the sidelines of the conference, a basic agreement was reached with JSC System Operator of the Unified Power System [conference organizer - editor’s note] on the formation of a common information space between the Russian and Belarusian power systems and the beginning of work on the preparation of an agreement regulating information exchange in the CIM format,” the message says.

At the conference, issues of standardization of information exchange in the electric power industry were discussed, including the initiatives of the System Operator as the main center of competence for the implementation of CIM (Common Information Model) in Russia in terms of improving the regulatory framework in this area. Head of the Department of Automated Information and Measuring Systems of the Belenergo State Production Association, Alexey Kurylenko, told what activities are currently being carried out in the Belarusian power system to digitally transform the business processes of operational dispatch management.

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