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Belarus and the Russian Federation have completed more than half of the activities of the union programs in the energy sector

17 марта 2023
Views: 96

Belarus and Russia have completed more than half of the activities of the union programs in the energy sector; the current year will be decisive in the implementation of large-scale projects to create common energy markets. This was stated on Thursday by Belarus Energy Minister Viktor Karankevich at a meeting with State Duma deputies headed by Chairman of the Energy Committee Pavel Zavalny. "To date, more than half of the planned activities of the union programs in the energy sector have been completed," the minister said, his words were quoted on Thursday by the press service of the Ministry of Energy of the republic.

In particular, the Union's nuclear energy program has been fully implemented. Also internal procedures for agreeing on the draft interstate agreement on the formation of a common electricity market, as well as the rules for its functioning  are worked out at the interdepartmental level and are now undergoing. The unified principles of functioning and regulation of the common gas market are in the development stage.

“It is important for us that these documents not only ensure the future development of common energy markets, the procedure for our joint work, but also the convergence of conditions for economic entities of the two countries. This is the principled position of the Belarusian side,” said V. Karankevich. According to him, 2023 will be decisive in the implementation of large-scale projects to create common energy markets. "We have to find solutions on a number of issues and complete the main work on a package of intergovernmental agreements in the gas sector," the minister said. "We are also counting on your support - the parliamentary dimension plays an important role in promoting union programs."

V. Karankevich recalled that in December 2022, the presidents of the two countries confirmed the course for further expanding integration within the Union State, including in the energy sector. Agreements were reached on price terms for deliveries of Russian gas to Belarus for the next three years, and priority tasks were outlined for the implementation of union programs to create united energy markets.

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