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Belarus has approved a program to increase the population of electricity consumption

19 января 2021
Views: 1466

The Ministry of Energy of Belarus has approved a program to increase electricity consumption for heating, hot water supply and food preparation for 2021-2025, the press service of the Ministry of Energy said. "Its implementation will increase the availability of electricity for heating and hot water supply both in the existing housing stock and new electrified housing under construction", the press service explained. It is planned that by the end of the five-year period, electricity consumption for heating, hot water supply and cooking will increase to 900 million kWh in total. The program includes measures for the construction and reconstruction of power grid and substations of all voltage classes, as well as complex of measures to improve the regulatory legal framework to expand the use of electricity for heating and hot water supply, including the possibility of attracting funds from citizens for the reconstruction of power lines. The construction and reconstruction of electrical networks will be carried out according to the subprogram "Development of electricity and gasification of settlements" of the state program "Comfortable housing and friendly environment" for 2021-2025 and the state program "Construction of housing" for 2021-2025, as well as annual investment programs of energy supplying organizations. 

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