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Belarus will soon sign documents to create a unified power market with the Russian Federation

21 сентября 2023
Views: 120

Belarus sees no reason to delay the merger of its power system with the Russian one (the merger involves the creation of a power market in early 2024). In the near future, the documents will be finalized by the Belarusian side, Deputy Head of the Ministry of Energy of Belarus Denis Moroz told reporters.

“Everything is on time, we don’t see any deviations. We will finalize the agreement by the end of the year,” he replied.

According to him, a joint agreement has now been prepared between the republic and the Russian Federation. “It defines the rules for the functioning of this market. The document is undergoing internal state procedures, we expect its signing in the near future,” he added.

Moroz recalled that documents have already been signed under the Union programs aimed at ensuring that this decision will work from 2024. However, the agreement still requires finalization.

“We must understand that the power systems of the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation operate synchronously. The point is that we must build a new system of relationships, the so-called unified market,” he added.

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