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Belenergo: teams of young specialists from organizations in the energy and gas industry present their projects in the field of low-carbon energy at the National qualifying stage of the League of Young Professionals of the International Engineering Champio

05 сентября 2023
Views: 149

On September 5, 2023, on the basis of Belenergo, representatives of Belenergo, Beltopgaz and organizations that are part of the associations will take part in the National qualifying stage of the Young Professionals League of the CASE-IN International Engineering Championship.

In total, 47 people in 12 teams participate in the intellectual competition.

During the National qualifying stage, the projects (presentations) of the teams on the subject of "Low-Carbon Energy", which have already been uploaded to the electronic database, will be evaluated. The teams will also present their projects to the expert commission, after which the winner will be determined for further participation in the International Stage of the League.


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