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By 2035, the total capacity of land-based wind farms in the Russian Federation will reach 7 GW, - Rosatom

28 сентября 2023
Views: 110

According to Rosatom estimates, by 2035 the total installed capacity of onshore wind farms in the Russian Federation could reach 7 GW. This is stated in the annual report of the state corporation.

At the same time, during the implementation of the Russian program to support the use of renewable energy sources by capacity supply agreements (RES CSAs), 2.74 GW of ground-based wind power plants are expected to be commissioned on the wholesale market by the end of 2024 and 3.9 GW in the period from 2025 to the end of 2035 .

Including within the framework of the implementation of the Wind Energy Strategic Program, the total portfolio of wind energy facilities to be built by Rosatom by the end of 2027 is 1.7 GW, of which 780 MW has already been put into operation.

In 2022, the Berestovskaya wind farm with a capacity of 60 MW was put into operation (electricity supply began from 01/01/2023). The construction of two wind farms has begun in the Stavropol Territory with an installed capacity of 220 MW (Kuzminskaya wind farm (160 MW) and Trunovskaya wind farm (60 MW - 1st stage).

Rosatom's share in the Russian wind energy market is about 34%, the report says.

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