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By the end of 2026, 25 modern power plants with a total capacity of 11,954 MW will be put into operation in Uzbekistan

16 марта 2023
Views: 107

Over the past 4 years, in order to increase the generating capacity in Uzbekistan, 25 PPA and investment agreements with a total capacity of 11,954 MW for a total amount of 10 billion 148 million dollars have been signed with international companies.

According to these agreements, by the end of 2026, 25 power plants with a total capacity of 11,954 MW (9 thermal, 9 solar and 7 wind power plants) will be put into operation in our Uzbekistan.

This is 60% of the current capacity of the energy system of Uzbekistan.

These power plants are put into operation in the regions:

By 2024, it is planned to put into operation 2 solar and wind power plants with a total capacity of 600 MW in the Navoi region. In particular:

- In August 2021, a 100 MW solar photovoltaic plant was put into operation by the Emirati company Masdar in the Karmana region;

-In 2024 (the first capacities at the end of 2023) in the Tomdinsky district, the Emirati company Masdar will put into operation a wind farm with a capacity of 500 MW.

By 2024, 3 solar photovoltaic plants with a total capacity of 1320 MW will be put into operation in the Samarkand region. In particular:

  In May 2022, the French company "Total Eren" put into operation a solar photovoltaic plant with a capacity of 100 MW in Nurabad district;

- By the end of 2023, a solar photovoltaic plant with a capacity of 220 MW of the Emirati company Masdar will be put into operation in the Kattakorgan district;

- In 2024, a 1,000 MW solar photovoltaic plant will be put into operation in the Nurabad district by the Saudi company ACWA Power.

By 2026, 3 modern thermal power plants with a total capacity of 3,293 MW will be put into operation in the Syrdarya region. In particular:

- In November 2022, a 220 MW thermal power plant was put into operation by the Turkish company Cengiz Enerji in the Khavast district.

- By the end of 2023, the Saudi company ACWA Power will put into operation a thermal power plant with a capacity of 1500 MW in the city of Shirin and Bayaut district;

- In 2026, a consortium of companies EDF (France), Nebras (Qatar), Sojitz Corporation (Japan) and Kyuden International Corporation (Japan) will put into operation a thermal power plant with a capacity of 1573 MW in Bayautsky district.

- By the end of 2023, a solar photovoltaic plant with a capacity of 220 MW will be put into operation by the Emirati company Masdar in the Gallaorol district of the Jizzakh region.

In 2022, 3 thermal power plants with a total capacity of 710 MW were put into operation in the Tashkent region. Also in 2024, one solar photovoltaic plant with a capacity of 400 MW will be put into operation. In particular:

- In 2022, the Turkish company Aksa Enerji commissioned a thermal power plant with a capacity of 240 MW in the Kibray region;

- In 2022, the Turkish company Aksa Enerji commissioned a thermal power plant with a capacity of 230 MW in the Kibray region;

- In 2022, the Turkish company Cengiz Enerji commissioned a thermal power plant with a capacity of 240 MW in the Kibray region;

- In 2024, a 400 MW solar photovoltaic plant will be put into operation by the Saudi company ACWA Power in the Yukori-Chirchik region.

By 2024, 4 power plants (thermal, wind and solar) with a total capacity of 1,520 MW will be put into operation in the Bukhara region. In particular:

- In 2024, the Saudi company ACWA Power will commission a 500 MW wind farm in the Peshkun district;

- In 2024, a 500 MW wind farm will be put into operation by the Saudi company ACWA Power in the Gijduvan region;

- In January 2022, the Turkish company Aksa Enerji launched a thermal power plant with a capacity of 270 MW in the Bukhara region;

-By the end of 2024, it is planned to launch a solar photovoltaic plant with a capacity of 250 MW of the Emirati company Masdar in the Olot region.

By 2025, solar and thermal power plants with a total capacity of 274 MW will be launched in the Khorezm region. In particular:

- In March 2022, the Turkish company Odaş Enerji commissioned a thermal power plant with a capacity of 174 MW in the Yangarik region;

- By 2025, a 100 MW solar photovoltaic plant will be put into operation in the Tuprokkala area by the French company Voltalia.

By 2026, solar and thermal power plants with a total capacity of 2017 MW will be put into operation in the Surkhandarya region. In particular:

- By the end of 2023, a solar photovoltaic plant with a capacity of 457 MW will be put into operation by the Emirati company Masdar in the Sherabad district;

➖ By the end of 2026, Siemens Energy (Germany), EDF (France), Stone City Energy (Netherlands) will launch a new thermal power plant with a capacity of 1560 MW in the Angorsky district.

In 2025, 4 wind power plants with a total capacity of 1,600 MW will be put into operation in the Republic of Karakalpakstan. In particular:

- In March 2022, the Turkish company Odaş Enerji commissioned a thermal power plant with a capacity of 174 MW in the Yangarik region;

- By 2025, a 100 MW solar photovoltaic plant will be put into operation in the Tuprokkala area by the French company Voltalia.

By 2026, solar and thermal power plants with a total capacity of 2017 MW will be put into operation in the Surkhandarya region. In particular:

- By the end of 2023, a solar photovoltaic plant with a capacity of 457 MW will be put into operation by the Emirati company Masdar in the Sherabad district;

- By the end of 2026, Siemens Energy (Germany), EDF (France), Stone City Energy (Netherlands) will launch a new thermal power plant with a capacity of 1560 MW in the Angorsky district.

In 2025, 4 wind power plants with a total capacity of 1,600 MW will be put into operation in the Republic of Karakalpakstan. In particular:

- In 2024, a 100 MW wind power plant by the Saudi company ACWA Power will be put into operation in the Karaozak region;

- In 2024, 3 wind farms with a capacity of 500 MW each will be put into operation by the Saudi company ACWA Power in the Kungirot district of the Republic of Karakalpakstan.

The total capacity is 11,954 MW.

Tender Processes

Tenders for the construction of wind power plants with a capacity of 200 MW in the Beruni district of the Republic of Karakalpakstan and solar photoelectric power plants with a capacity of 300 MW in the Guzor district of the Kashkadarya region continue.

The total capacity is 500 MW.


Press Service of the Ministry of Energy

Republic of Uzbekistan

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