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CIS countries will develop renewable energy

18 июля 2022
Views: 492

CIS power engineers verified plans for the development of the industry. The 60th anniversary meeting of the Electric Power Council of the Commonwealth countries was held in Nur-Sultan. They talked about joint projects in the field of renewable energy sources and digitalization of the power system.

Almost 70% of electricity in Kazakhstan is generated by coal-fired power plants. Second is gas. The share of renewable energy sources does not even reach 4%. Therefore, the country has developed a program to modernize the national power system.

To get away from carbon dependence in Kazakhstan, combined-cycle, solar and wind plants are being built. Until 2035, their number may increase six times, and nuclear energy will be generated by 12% more. All Commonwealth countries are moving to a low-carbon path. Power engineers agreed to develop a common approach for the efficient operation of power systems.

“It can be seen that different countries have different target indicators. And today the issue was discussed so that the requirements for connecting renewable energy facilities to the power system would be systematized. There is logic and meaning in this. That is, the technical requirements must ensure the reliability and safety of work,” said Zhandos Nurmaganbetov, Vice Minister of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Power engineers of the CIS countries agreed on joint investment projects in the field of "green economy". Russia is ready to continue building gas and solar p[lants in Kazakhstan. 11 plants are already in operation. Two - with a total capacity of 40 MW - will be commissioned by the end of the year in the Zhambyl and Turkestan regions.

“We will now conduct a dialogue with Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan on the possible construction of a DC line, which would allow us to solve the issues of imbalance and deficit in the balance of electric power, both within Kazakhstan, and to solve possible problems associated with the seasonality of generation in the Kyrgyz Republic and jointly regulate the balancve, use those surpluses of generation that are in Russia,” said Deputy Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation Pavel Snikkars.

Following the meeting of the Electric Power Council, the parties signed agreements on scientific and technical cooperation and exchange of experience in the field of digitalization of the energy industry. The parties agreed to develop common technical requirements for the operation of power  systems in order to provide the inhabitants of the countries with affordable electricity.


The CIS Electric Power Council is an intergovernmental body of the Commonwealth. It coordinates the member countries in the field of electrical energy security. In the future, it is planned to create economic, technological and legal conditions for the unification of the energy systems of the Commonwealth states.

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