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CIS power engineers are strengthening the regulatory framework for joint operation of energy systems

21 сентября 2023
Views: 186

On September 19, the 43rd meeting of the Commission for Operational and Technological Coordination of Joint Work of Energy Systems of the CIS and Baltic Countries (COTC) was held in Sochi. The meeting was held under the leadership of the Chairman of the commission - Chairman of the Board of the System Operator UPS Fyodor Opadchy.

The results of monitoring and analysis of the quality of regulation of frequency and active power flows during emergency outages in the power systems of the CIS countries, the Baltics and Georgia were presented to the participants by the head of the Service for the Implementation of Emergency and Regime Automation of SO UPS JSC, the head of the COTC working groups "Frequency and Power Regulation" and " Emergency management" Evgeniy Satsuk.

In accordance with the decision of the 41st meeting of the COTC, the System Operator submitted for final approval the draft “General Provisions for the Emergency Automation System of the Unified Power System/Integrated Power System” Pool, taking into account the entry into force of the new interstate standard GOST 34045-2023 “Operational dispatch control. Automatic emergency control of power system modes. Emergency automation of power systems. Norms and requirements." As a result of the discussion, the COTC members agreed on the presented document and instructed Fedor Opadchy to submit it for approval by the Coordination Council of the CIS Electric Power Council (CIS EPC) to replace a number of currently valid documents.

In addition, on behalf of the COTC members, Fedor Opadchiy will submit for approval the drafts “Basic principles for organizing a system for monitoring sustainability reserves in the states participating in parallel work” and “Basic technical requirements for generation facilities operating on the basis of the use of renewable energy sources, operating in composition of energy systems (in terms of solar and wind generation).”

Evgeniy Satsuk also reported on the progress of the development of “Basic technical requirements for electricity storage systems operating as part of power systems.” Following the discussion, the meeting participants decided to include the event in the draft COTC work plan for 2024. In addition, the participants discussed approaches to the creation of automatic frequency and active power control (APC) systems and their joint operation in the power systems of neighboring countries.

Deputy Head of the Directorate for Development of the Unified Power System of the System Operator Dmitry Yariz spoke about the new system for planning the long-term development of the electric power industry introduced in Russia from the beginning of 2023.

Deputy Head of the Directorate for Development of the Unified Power System of the System Operator, Head of the COTC “Planning and Management” working group Dmitry Afanasyev spoke about global experience in applying methods for forecasting electricity generation at facilities operating on the basis of renewable energy sources. Based on the results of the discussion, COTC members decided to include in the Commission’s draft work plan for 2024–2025  development of basic principles for accounting for renewable energy generation facilities in long-term balances of electricity and power for the long and medium term, as well as in short-term forecasting processes.

COTC members agreed on the draft updated Regulations on COTC and the work plan for 2024–2025, subject to the subsequent submission of these documents for approval by the Coordination Council of the CIS EPC, and also approved the Commission’s work regulations.

The event, which was held in a combined format - in person and via videoconference, was attended by representatives of Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, the Coordination Dispatch Center for Central Asian Power Systems "Energy" and the Executive Committee of the CIS Electric Power Council , as well as representatives of Georgia as observers and a number of invited experts.

The next, 44th meeting of the Commission on operational and technological coordination of joint work of power systems of the CIS and Baltic countries will be held in March 2024 in absentia format.

About the Commission for Operational and Technological Coordination of Joint Operation

The Commission for Operational and Technological Coordination of the Joint Operation of Power Systems of the CIS and Baltic Countries (COTC) is a working body formed by the CIS Electric Power Council. The main tasks are to harmonize the principles of managing the modes of joint operation of the power systems of the CIS and Baltic countries, organize the development of technical documents, analyze operational and technological management, coordinate training programs for operational personnel and coordinate the interaction of the power systems of the CIS and Baltic countries in the preparation and implementation of joint work. COTC members are authorized representatives of system operators and power grid companies of the Russian Federation, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan.

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