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Clean sources energy production in the EU overtakes gas and coal generation for the first time

26 января 2021
Views: 2535

The share of renewable energy sources in electricity generation in the European Union in 2020 for the first time exceeded the share of fossil fuels, including gas and coal, according to Agora Energiewende  research report from.

"For the first time, more electricity was generated from renewable sources than from fossil fuels. In 2020, renewables accounted for 38% of total electricity production in Europe, while fossil fuels accounted for only 37%," the report said.

The changes are driven by the accelerated development of the wind and solar energy sectors, which have almost doubled their performance since 2015. At the same time, experts say, the production of electricity from coal has fallen by half since 2015. In 2020 only, energy production from non-renewable resources fell by 20%. For example, the share of coal-fired power plants in electricity production was 13%.

Agora Energiewende is a German think tank founded in 2012 and headed by Patrick Greichen. The center develops scientific strategies for the transition to clean energy sources in Germany and other countries.

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