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Construction of the first gas power plant is planned in Kyrgyzstan

11 июля 2022
Views: 426

The government of Kyrgyzstan, with the support of Russian companies, expects to begin construction of the first gas power plant in the republic in the near future. This was stated on Monday in Bishkek during a meeting with representatives of the international diversified business mission of Russian companies in the country by the head of the Kyrgyz government Akylbek Zhaparov.

"We are planning to build a power plant operating on natural gas in the near future," he said.

According to him, its design capacity will be 600 MW. The cost of building the power plant has not yet been announced. This will be the first gas power plant in Kyrgyzstan. This project, Zhaparov assured, will be implemented with the support of Russian companies.

"My meetings on June 17 in St. Petersburg with Russian partners are scheduled for this project, during which all the details will be discussed," the prime minister of the republic assured.

Due to the lack of generating capacities, the Kyrgyz Republic, which has a large hydropower potential, is forced to import electricity from neighboring states. At the beginning of this month, the construction of the large Kambar-Ata-1 hydroelectric power plant began in the country, but its construction will take at least four to five years.

Due to the shortage of electricity, the authorities of Kyrgyzstan also intend to build two solar power plants with a total capacity of 1.5 thousand MW in the republic.

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