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Construction or reconstruction of 2,700 km of power grids is required in Belarus every year

26 мая 2021
Views: 791

In Belarus, the construction or reconstruction of 2,700 km of power grids is required annually. This was announced by Vladimir Bobrov, First Deputy General Director - Chief Engineer of the Belenergo State Production Association, at the BelTA press center.

"The use of electric energy for heating, hot water supply and cooking is an urgent issue for many citizens living in areas of individual residential development. The possibility of using electricity for these purposes directly depends on the availability of    0.4-10 kV overhead power lines transmitting capacitance. There are enough generating capacities in Belarus. However, the use of this energy resource is strongly limited by the fact that the projected, built and operated power grids have insufficient transmitting capacitance, "said Vladimir Bobrov.

According to him, the standard service life of power grids is 33 years. "During this period, amortization charges are accumulated, it becomes possible to carry out reconstruction, replacement, reinforcement. To reduce the wear of 0.4-10 kV networks and create conditions for increasing the use of electricity, an annual construction or reconstruction of about 2,700 km of power grids is required," Deputy CEO said.

Sources of financing are, first of all, own funds of energy supplying organizations. Extra to that, the state program "Comfortable Housing and Favorable Environment" is being implemented, according to which budget funds are allocated. "In the period from 2021 to 2025, it is planned to allocate about Br1.5 billion for the reconstruction of overhead power grids, including about Br500 million from the republican budget. Currently, five-year reconstruction plans have been drawn up and approved by all regional energy supplying organizations. These plans include settlements where the power grids are the most worn out, "said Vladimir Bobrov.

"As an experiment to reduce wear and tear, we plan to use a new voltage class - 20 kV, primarily in Minsk during the construction of the Severny Bereg residential community. The residential community is planned to be completely electrically  heated," added the first deputy general director.

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