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Countries in the eastern UNECE region can play a leading role in CO2 storage, according to new study

07 апреля 2021
Views: 812

Countries of Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia host significant potential for CO2 storage. Using publicly available data, the analysis by geological experts identifies for the first time storage potential in oil reservoirs in excess of 62,000 million tonnes (Mt) of CO2  (in the eastern part of the UNECE region with 56,410 MtCO2 in Russia alone, according to a United Nations study published today.  

Deep saline aquifers, depleted oil and gas fields, unmineable coal seams have been found suitable for CO2 storage. More recently, the possibility of storing CO2 in basalt has been proposed. The study looked at the first two options (aquifers and oil reservoirs) and identified 17 suitable fields in the region. 

In the Russian Federation, storage capacity has been identified in the Volga, Western Siberia and Yamal regions with combined storage potential of over 10,000 MtCO2 in oil reservoirs. Smaller suitable carbon sinks were also identified in Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, and Azerbaijan.


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