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Deputies of the House of Representatives of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus adopted a draft law on renewable energy sources

07 июня 2022
Views: 464

On May 25, 2022, at a meeting of the House of Representatives, a draft law “On the regulation of relations in the field of the use of renewable energy sources” was adopted.

The document is aimed at supporting the real sector of the economy and the population by curbing the growth of electricity tariffs by reducing the costs of energy supply organizations that are part of Belenergo when purchasing electricity from generating units using renewable energy sources (RES).

For these purposes, separate norms are provided that establish a different regulation compared to the current version of the Law "On Renewable Energy Sources", in particular:

suspension of the application of increasing coefficients to tariffs for electricity from renewable energy sources and its purchase at minimum incentive coefficients;

involvement of all RES units in the regulation of the daily schedule for covering the electrical load of the Belarusian energy system;

supplementing the powers of the Government in this area with the possibility of determining the procedure for the creation of RES units (including their modernization and reconstruction), as well as the acquisition of electricity from RES by energy supply organizations;

establishment by the Ministry of Antimonopoly Regulation and Trade of the size of the coefficients used when setting tariffs for electricity produced by RES units, which can be differentiated depending on the type of renewable energy source, electric power, the actual service life of the equipment of units as of the date of their commissioning, as well as other unit parameters.

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