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Domestic digital system will increase power flow through power transmission Kazakhstan - Siberia

09 июня 2023
Views: 215

A digital stability margin monitoring system (SMMS) has been introduced in the Novosibirsk RDO in the controlled section Barnaulskaya - Svetlaya, the 220 kV lines of which are part of the electrical connections between the UPS of Siberia and the power system of the Republic of Kazakhstan. They also provide electricity to consumers of Russian Railways on the railway section crossing the border with Kazakhstan.

The introduction of the SMMS will increase the power transmission capacity utilization rate between the Barnaulskaya and Svetlaya substations in the Altai Territory by up to 25.6% (by 31 MW) and reduce restrictions on the power flow through the Kazakhstan-Siberia power transmission in certain circuit-mode situations, as well as reduce the probability of dividing the 220 kV network between the 500 kV substations Barnaulskaya and Irtyshskaya, which increases the reliability of power supply to consumers, primarily the traction load of the railway.

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