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Earlier, the import of Turkmen electricity was not carried out due to the impossibility of transmission through a high-voltage line between Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan, - Ministry of Energy of the Kyrgyz Republic

11 ноября 2021
Views: 422

Earlier, there was no import of Turkmen electricity due to the impossibility of transmission over the high-voltage line between Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. This was announced today, November 11, by the press service of the Ministry of Energy of the Kyrgyz Republic.

The agreement on the import of electricity from Turkmenistan was signed on August 11. From August to December 2021, Turkmenistan will supply 501.9 million kWh of electricity to Kyrgyzstan.

“Earlier, electricity imports from Turkmenistan were not carried out not because Uzbekistan did not give the green light for the transit of Turkmen electricity, but because of the impossibility of transmitting electricity through the high-voltage line between Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan,” the Ministry of Energy explained.

The possibility of importing electricity appeared after the reconstruction of the 500 kV high-voltage line by the Turkmen side.

The ministry said that imports are carried out to cover the electricity shortage associated with the low-water inflow cycle of the Naryn River.

“Currently, electricity is imported approximately within about 2 soms (per kWh), and in 2014, electricity was imported at 5 soms from Kazakhstan from the Zhambyl SDPP and, in turn, was sold at 77 tyin, thereby increasing the cash deficit in energy companies ", - explained in the Ministry of Energy.

The report states that due to a shortage of funds in energy companies and large loans to external donors, over the past 10 years, no new generating capacities have been built or commissioned. One of the last commissioning of new generating capacities was in 2010 - the first hydroelectric unit of the Kambarata HPP-2.

The Ministry of Energy indicated that over all these past years, while building the correct policy for managing the energy system and with investors, it was possible to build the Kambar-Ata HPP-1, the Verkhne-Naryn HPP cascade, the Karakechinskaya TPP and many other small and large generating power plants.

“Today, the main equipment is being reconstructed at the Toktogul HPP. At the same time, it should be noted that the hydroelectric units of the Toktogul HPP would not have worked without reconstruction, they would not have stopped with possible cases of emergency shutdown of equipment, as it happened in the past years”, it was reported.

The ministry added that the Bishkek CHP plant with new power units does not fully cover the needs for electricity, since the annual increase in electricity consumption is within 10%.

“Therefore, we are forced to import electricity from neighboring republics”, the Ministry of Energy said.

At the same time, there was no commissioning of other generating capacities, with the exception of the commissioning of several private small hydroelectric power plants, which work not for a wide part of the population, but for their consumers.

The ministry added that the law on renewable energy had not previously been promoted, but only now opens up opportunities for attracting investments in small-scale energy.

“Despite the existing problems in the energy sector that have been accumulating for several years, a decision was made to adopt a new medium-term tariff policy in which the limits of 1000 kWh for consumers living in high-mountainous regions were abolished, and now they will pay for the consumed electricity in total 77 tyin per 1 kWh”, the message says.

"Most of the loans were received for the construction of the Datka and Kemin substations, the Datka-Kemin 500 kV high-voltage line and the Datka substation with the development of the south and the reconstruction of the CHP in Bishkek".

The Ministry of Energy explained that from the external debt of the energy sector (about 135 billion soms), most of the loans were obtained for the construction of the Datka substation, Kemin substation, high-voltage line 500 kV Datka-Kemin overhead line and Datka substation with development of the south, as well as for the reconstruction of the CHPP in Bishkek.

“In connection with the growth of foreign currencies rates, the debt liabilities of the energy sector are also increasing, since the loans were received in US dollars and euros. However, even here, with the right approach to attracting investment, it would be possible to increase generating capacities and do without debt obligations on the example of the power system of Uzbekistan”, the message says.

The Ministry of Energy said that work is underway to attract investment in the energy sector.

Also, courses are traced for the construction of large and small generating capacities and avoiding the dependence of the inflow of the rivers of the Toktogul reservoir.

The work includes providing the economy and the population with the necessary volumes of electricity and creating conditions and avoiding coal heating.

"In this connection, at present, the official energy body has already signed a number of agreements on cooperation in the construction of power plants, as well as a course towards digitalization of electricity and the elimination of corruption components of the energy sector", the release says.

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