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Economic Recovery Program of the Russian Federation keeps power industry development plans alive

03 июня 2020
Views: 532

Implementation plans for major infrastructure projects in the power industry — the construction of new power grids and the modernization of thermal generation — are maintained in the context of the crisis caused by the coronavirus, TASS reports citing the current version of the National Economic Recovery Plan of the Russian Federation.

The document includes such infrastructure projects in the fuel and energy complex as the development and modernization of the Crimean power grid complex, the construction of two Pevek-Bilibino transmission lines in Chukotka, the electrification of the BAM and the Trans-Siberian Railway to increase their transfer capacity to 180 million tons by 2024, and construction of new, expansion and technical re-equipment of existing substations in a number  of the country regions.

Also, the current version of the National Economic Recovery Plan of the Russian Federation includes the modernization of thermal generating capacities using domestic equipment.

All these projects have been planned in advance. Work on many of them has already begun. The implementation of these investment projects in the fuel and energy sector will launch a new investment cycle and improve the business climate, the document says.

The Government of the Russian Federation has developed a nationwide action plan to restore economic growth, prevent a fall in people's incomes and increase in the well-being of the population with access to a stable development path.

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