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Electricity export in Turkmenistan increased by 2.1 times

28 апреля 2021
Views: 1167

For the first quarter of 2021, Turkmenistan increased its electricity exports by 2.1 times compared to the same period last year. This was reported by the Internet edition "ORIENT" on Monday with reference to the State Committee on Statistics (Turkmenstat).

According to the report, one of the drivers for increasing exports was the launch in January of this year of a Turkmen-Afghan 500 kV power transmission line in the direction of Kerki - Shibergan with.

In January-March 2021, the Ministry of Energy of Turkmenistan increased production of electricity for domestic consumption by 6% and for the external market by 12.9%.

Currently, the Ministry of Energy of Turkmenistan is working on the implementation of important investment projects, such as the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan (TAP) power transmission line, the ring power system of the country Akhal-Balkan and Balkan-Dashoguz, as well as a gas turbine power plant with a capacity of 432 MW in the Chardzhevsky district of the Lebap region.

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